Friday, February 27, 2009

I wasn't tagged... I just copied

3 Things - Flutter posted her 3 things, I enjoyed reading it, I too am in a bit of slump so here goes. And remember Flutter, copying is the highest form of flattery. :O)

3 Things that scare me:
1) something happening to my kids/husband
2) disease
3) mice

3 People who make me laugh:
1) My hubby of course
2) Jamie (good friend)
3) my kiddo's

3 Things I Love:
1) nice earrings
2) summer
3) cute shoes

3 Things I hate:
1) crowds
2) dirty kitchen
3) acid reflux

3 Things I don't understand:
1) people who don't want to help themselves
2) sudoku
3) chemistry

3 Things on my desk:
1) scented candle
2) plant
3) scraps of paper

3 Things I am doing right now:
1) Trying to ignore the T.V show that is on right now because it's violent
2) Rubbing my belly, the baby is kicking up quite a fuss at the moment.
3) Hating this insane acid reflux.... Ohhhh it burns!

3 Things I want to do before I die:
1) Go with my family to Israel
2) Take a train ride through BC
3) Loose all the pregnancy fat I have been carrying around for, oh let see, 7 years!

3 Things I can do:
1) Play guitar
2) Twirl a pen between my fingers
3) Understand investing... well sort of.

3 Things I think you should listen to:
1) Yourself
2) Classical guitar
3) One of my favorite songs...

3 Things I don't think you should listen to ever:
1) A colicky baby
2) Negative people who just want to bring you down
3) Gangsta music

3 of my absolute favorite foods:
1) West Indian food
2) Sushi
3) Panini's

3 Things I'd like to learn:
1) Japanese cooking
2) Hebrew
3) Photography

3 Beverages I drink regularly:
1) Water.....luv water
2) Wine... oh I miss wine
3) Cafe mocha's ... YUM

3 Shows I watched when I was a kid:
1) Duke's of Hazard
2) Three's Company
3) Smurfs


Bijoux said...

That is such a good song - I think that's the first time I was able to understand all the words!

Love your lists - I don't get chemistry or sudoku either - who wants to sit there and erase their answers 10 million times??

I'm with you on the drink list, but not the foods!

JodyJ said...

Cocotte- consider yourself officially tagged!! I want to hear your answers :O)

flutterby said...

Wow... that was the most amazing arrangement of Halleluyah that I think I've ever heard. Beautiful. Amazing talent.


Anyhoo... you know I've copied you a few times, too. Not a problem, girl!

And, uhhh... once you get that Japanese cooking thing licked, you give me a call to come sample, OK?! Sounds divine. :)

flutterby said...

Err... "Hallelujah", I mean.

Did I just give away my non-literary roots? :P

JodyJ said...

Flutter- you are talking to the Queen of misspelled worries.
