Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sing me the Winter Blues

"Winter is my worst day ever!", these are the words that came out of my 5 year olds mouth today. I think he has pretty much summed it up for our whole family.
The temperature really dropped this past weekend, so much so that we let our kids spend ungodly amounts of time playing Nintendo and watching T.V. We rented movies, ate take out and pretty much vegged. And while it was nice to spend time with the kids, doing nothing, one can't help but wonder if there isn't a better way to spend 8 months of the year then in front of the T.V?
I think this winter is particularly difficult because I am so big with the baby that the idea of trekking through the snow, and slippery sidewalks are both unappealing and dangerous. Our kids are pretty young also so they get cold fast and all the effort of actually getting them bundled up and out the door is lost when they reappear 10 minutes later complaining of the cold.
Yes I think it may be time for a change. We still have a commitment here for sometimes, but as I am sure I've mentioned in another post, change may be comin'.


Bijoux said...

It's been a brutal winter here too. I'm tired of driving my kids to the bus stop because no one shovels their sidewalks and I don't want the kids walking in the street in the dark when they go to school (6:30 AM!). We have at least another month to go.........GRR!

JodyJ said...

Cocotte- One month left, will it ever get here.. (sigh) I just try to keep focused on spring/summer, planting flowers, fresh cut grass.. it can't come quick enough.

flutterby said...

I have the funniest little nephew... I love it. " worst day ever." lol

I'm all for the warmer climates for you guys, specially if you don't mind houseguests! But, don't go just too far away. Please?

It's supposed to warm up today, if that helps you feel better. But, I'm longing for some spring in the air, too. We're actually going to do the yard this year, so yay for flowers and grass and a deck. :)

Anonymous said...

The firewood's nearly gone yet the cold keeps coming ..... and snow is in the air. Time to head out and do some more splitting.

No worries though, it'll start warming by Friday. Or so they say. But that's here ....
