Monday, September 15, 2008

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Sukkot 2008

This Sukkot is extra special for me this year. This year we actually have our own Sukkah to dwell in for the next 7 days. Due to circumstances of the previous years we always borrowed other people's sukkah's to 'dwell' in for a quick meal, but not this year.

What a lovely thing it is to watch your children play, eat and hang out in our own Sukkah. I believe we all will understand just a little more about Sukkot this year, what it means to remember the temporary dwelling that the Israelites dwelt in while in the dessert. So here are some pics of our first night of Sukkot!!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Turn, Turn, Turn

This has been a season of change in our family. New job, new city, upcoming baby, another new job... the list goes on and on. Life seems to constantly be changing, evolving Some days ,as I am exhaling, I think when has enough change happened, can't we just be still.
I have seen families torn apart, lost family members, heard of children dying, witnessed people whom I thought I knew acting in ways unbecoming. Daily another change comes, a big change, and I am tired.
