Thursday, February 05, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

You have to wonder if God is trying to teach you a lesson. Maybe, or shall I say quite probably, I am too busy with my busyness that I don't take the time to be quiet and reflect on what I am doing. Maybe that still small voice that is attempting to capture my attention is being blocked out by the T.V, computer, what have you I suppose you get my drift.
Tonight as I am trying to be a fun mommy, I decided to take my boys out to dinner. As we were driving I was behind an older gentleman driver, and if I can put it nicely, was taking his sweet time. So I made a rather rude comment, something along the lines of, "C'mon grandpa, pick it up."
My youngest then asks me if I love my neighbour? I kind of know what he's talking about but I go ahead and ask him what he means. My oldest son pipes up and tells me it's about loving people. (punch in the gut!) My youngest then quotes a Bible verse to me about loving your neighbour as yourself. So as I continue driving feeling like a total schmuck my youngest goes on to tell me, in his sweet little voice, that I wasn't being very nice to that older man.
Feeling like I had been thoroughly been put in my place I told them they were right and I shouldn't be rude because the Bible tells us to treat others how we want to be treated.
This is one lesson I won't soon forget.


Bijoux said...

The upshot is knowing that you've raised them right!

flutterby said...

Ouch. I think we can all relate to those moments when the wisdom and sensitivity of our children far surpasses our own.

And like Cocotte said... you're doing a good job raising your boys! Hope you all had an enjoyable supper.
