Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Today as I was watching TLC's Bringing Home Baby show they showed the mother breastfeeding her baby. This little baby is nestled up close to it's mother, big brown eyes looking up while he's suckling and the mother is rubbing his face and head. What a beautiful picture.
With my first baby I was so insecure about breastfeeding, as I am sure most new mother's are. I had so many friends that talked about THE NIGHT thier milk came in, how it was squirting across the room, how their young babies were choking on the heavy flow of this creamy milk. I never had that experience, and because I never did I didn't trust my body that it was making enough. I ended up suplimenting and eventually my oldest son soon learned that milk comes instantly from a bottle where as with mommy I have to work to get it to come. At four young months old my first born was done breastfeeding. Oh I tried to get him back on, and after many days of trying he and I were both crying and frustrated. I was so sad to say good bye to that special time, it was so hard at first, so painful and after all that effort we were done.
With my second I went in a bit more confident. I actually do remember THE MORNING when my milk came in, I actually was wet all down my PJ's. I remember sighing a sigh of relief thinking that this is how I now know my milk is in. I ended up breastfeeding my son for 2 years. I was amazed it went that long, I actually thought that if I can make it to at least six months this time I will feel like I'd succeeded.
My second child caught on quick, I was more confident and I wasn't feeling too tied down with him wanting to nurse for that long of a time. Eventually, I believe it was right after he turned 2 years old, he was done. Again I was a little sad, mostly ready myself for independace, but I knew I would miss it and I did. But life goes on as it should.
Now preparing for my third child to be born within a few months I feel the desire coming back, a longing for that sort of bonding experience with my new baby. In my opinion there is nothing more special then that little body so close, making eye contact and just being there to enjoy to experience.
Let me also say I am not looking forward to cracked nipples, again, maybe mastitis, feeding the child every hour around the clock, oh man I am psyching myself out now. I know it's hard, but maybe just like child birth and all the pain and labouring we do to bring forth new life, we do forget and we do it again, and we think of it as the greatest day of our lives is the way I view breastfeeding.
Now let me add I know breastfeeding isn't for everyone. Some choose not to, some find it too difficult, inverted nipples, ect... At the end of the day we all bond with our babies whether it's by breastfeeding or bottle feeding. I am just saying for me it was a positive thing for my family, and I am looking forward to it again.


Bijoux said...

My kids were all breastfed for 10-12 months each. They just seemed too big to lay in my lap after that. It was a very enjoyable time. It would crack me up when they'd stare right up at me without blinking while nursing. Enjoy that new baby, Jody!

JodyJ said...

Cocottee- Those moments when they stare up at you are my favorite!! I keep trying to focus on those special moments rather then the pain of labour which has been on my mind lately.

flutterby said...

Awwww man!!! I'm so jealous that you get to experience it all again.

I loved those little snuffley-sucky noises my babies would make when their noses are pressed into you and they're drinking. So precious.

Lucky you. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, um, sorry. Didn't realize this was the ladies room. Later ....

JodyJ said...

Xavier- come on now, you are welcome!
