Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Doctor's Orders

Usually at this time of the day I am sitting back with a cup of heavily creamed coffee, putting up my feet and relaxing until the baby wakes up. This is a part of the day I look forward to the most, dog is lightly snoring in his crate, all is silent. The only sound I hear is the incessant hammering and jigsawing coming from the soon to be built house next door.
You know I was told about 3 months ago that this house would be up in a few weeks and all the NOISE would end, yeah right!!! Anyway that is another topic, back to coffee.
I have finally admitted I have a problem with coffee creamer. I am sure I have added a "few" extra pounds to my weight with creamer along. So I had a idea, reduce the cream, that seemed simple enough. Why is it that coffee without incredible amounts of sugar and other edible oil additives tastes like burnt dirt? I can't do it, I NEED all that hydrogenated goodness so I can enjoy my afternoon alone mommy time and it goes without saying an addict, going cold turkey, has withdrawal and I hate that dang headache.
So after watching Dr.Oz one afternoon he talked about tea and all the health benefits, and I thought, OK I'll give it a try. I have been drinking it for about a week now and I actually enjoy it. I was drinking green tea for the first while and I never got the headache, yahoo!!
So with my new found love for tea I am hoping the extra pounds I have poured on will soon melt away.... Ah if only it were that easy.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Clucking Hens

I was pretty excited about going out with the girl's, girl's I haven't seen in about 15 years. These were friends of mine from another lifetime, a time when life seemed pretty simple, my beliefs were in tact and I was confident in who I was and where I was going.
As each person arrived we greeted each other with a hug, telling the other how good they looked and how good it was to see them again. We sat down, I had the wine list in front of me, really looking forward to a drink but not really knowing if it would offend someone so I hesitated and just ordered water for the time being.
We went around the table, each of us telling what we've done with ourselves over the last 15 years. Dating, marriage, babies, and adventures of travel and work.
I was really hoping the subject of church and religious views wouldn't come up. I didn't want the atmosphere to change, because I knew it would if anyone questioned me directly. Well sure enough the question came and sure enough the atmosphere changed.
I tried to be careful what I said, being very casual in my response. In doing so I'm sure I sounded worse off then if I would have gone into the how's and why's of my beliefs. Belief's that have changed since we all knew each other so long ago. I suppose what really got under my skin, once I had time to reflect on the conversation, was it starting out with the statement, " I've heard rumours...." After that came the same statements and questions that I have with anyone with whom I share my beliefs with. You know I don't mind the conversation I think I just didn't want it to become a point with people I haven't spoken to in over 15 years.
After spending over 10 minutes talking about this I tried to change the subject and was successful, but not before I saw the eye brows raise and jaw drop reaction to some things I said. And to top it off what the statement, " well that's interesting..." Needless to say I knew I had probably offended so I ordered a Bloody Marie and enjoyed each vodka filled mouthful. ( is that spiteful??) LOL
I have been somewhat irritated for the past few days about this. I vented to my husband saying to him, " why would you ask someone their religious views in a public setting, especially when you haven't spoken in over a decade?" He objectively said it was a bit understandable, they are curious, they've heard rumours, etc.
Why was this bothering me so much. I felt judged big time. I felt like I didn't have the time to properly explain, I felt kind of interrogated.
I think what really bothered me is that my family is being discussed among my childhood friends. People are talking about us, why does that bother me?? These people haven't been a part of my life in so long, why is this bothering me?
I am sure I am being overly sensitive about it, right?
