Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kicking Procrastination in the Butt

We have been doing home renovations and while it has been nice to see the improvements and new colors appear a great mess has been left in it's wake. Our living room has become a sort of dumping ground of nic naks, magazines, tools and old furniture. It has been stressing me out for a few weeks now. I keep telling myself that on the weekend we will get it cleaned up, yet the weekend comes and goes and the junk remains.
Now knowing myself like I do I decided something had to be done. I called a couple of friends to come over for coffee, with their children, first thing in the morning. Now these are friends that I am slowly getting to know, they aren't the kind that drop in, see the house a mess, and still know your a good person. No, these friends are the kind you want to make an impression on, to keep the facade going that you can keep a wonderfully clean house all the time, no problem.
So as I said knowing myself as I do I knew this is the ONLY thing that would kick my procrastination in the butt and make me attack it. So I have attacked, it's not perfect but in the rooms where my friends will be it looks pretty darn good. Now let's hope they don't go into unmarked areas as they may be in for a shock, I promise I will get to those room on the weekend! :O)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Art Appreciation

My husband loves classical music. He especially loves Opera. Usually after a long, stressful day he will take some time to sit, be quiet and listen to some of his favorite artists. Now this is something I have grown to enjoy over time, and there has been many a night that I have fallen asleep to Pavarotti playing lightly, there is nothing more relaxing.
We have wanted to instill a love for the arts into our children. While surfing on youtube the other day my husband found a little piece that captivated our youngest boy.
Hope you enjoy it...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is the Grass Greener?

After about one week of warmer temperatures this sudden cold snap that we are experiencing is like a punch in the gut with a big "gotcha" attached to it. For some ridiculous reason the warmer weather had me thinking about spring, excited for all the plans we have for our dirt heap of a backyard. It had me thinking about green grass, a new baby, birds and travel. Well as I said reality was like a cold, harsh slap in the face. Winter is here and still going strong.
Considering the place where I live, and the frigid weather there was nothing to do today but stay huddled up inside racking our brains about what to do to pass the day. There is one conversation I know, without a doubt, that I will be having and it's my husband trying to talk me into possibly moving to a more human climate.
It's funny, as I braced myself for this talk the regular feeling of my back going up, my argument of sticking close to home for family, that this part of Canada is one we are familiar with didn't leave my chapped, almost blue lips.
It almost took me back for a moment. Ever since we've moved to our little town, away from family and close friends, I have been trying to persuade my hubby that moving back at some point would be the best thing for us. I'm not sure I feel that way anymore.
Nothing crazy has happened in our family that makes me want to not live near them. When I really think about it I think it has been a good thing for us to be away. I figure if I can live and survive here, moving someplace further away and warmer would be alright.
So for most of the morning we cuddled together on the couch, hot coffee in hand and researched a few places here in the great north that indeed do have mild winters, hot summers and early springs.
A few areas have jumped out at us and we are looking at taking a road trip this summer to check out the city and surrounding area. A road trip with 2 boys and a 4 month old should be interesting, but we are looking at renting a house for the week once we get there. I am looking forward to it, and looking forward to seeing if the grass is greener.

Friday, January 23, 2009

10 Things

A few years back, as I was watching Oprah, she had on some mature women who are choosing to age gracefully. These women talked about the pressures to stay thin and beautiful, to do whatever it takes to maintain that.
Oprah then went on to ask them if they could give one piece of advise to their younger self what would it be? So here are the 10 things I would tell my younger self.

1) Nurture the friendships you have, make them a priority in your life. Boys will come and go but your girlfriends are for life. Or they can be if you treat them right.

2) Forget the tanning beds. Wrinkles will come whether you believe it or not, so protect your skin.

3) Enjoy your time being a kid and teenager. Once you have passed that time there is no going back. Soon enough there will be a husband, children, and bills. So enjoy where you are at.

4) Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and what your doing. I remember all to well some so called 'friends' and they did nothing but make you feel bad about yourself.

5) Be kind to those you normally wouldn't think of associating with. Words hurt and that person is someone's child.

6) Continue on with your healthy habits and continue on in sports because it is a great deal more difficult to try to establish those healthy habits as an adult.

7) Don't start drinking coffee. Teeth loose their luster and your pearly whites WILL fade to a soft yellow.

8) Actually try in school. I don't regret all the fun, I don't even regret skipping class to go have some fun. Maybe try to keep a balance with it all.

These next two are to my young married self, man did we make mistakes, too many to count, but here are two pieces of advice I would want to pass on.

9) Travel and have adventures together before the kids come. Once they are here it's so much more difficult. Even if you can find reliable people to watch them, your heart is always back home wondering if things are alright.

10) Love isn't always a feeling. It's not butterflies, soft kisses and tender moments. (although it sure starts off that way) Love is seeing that person acting like a jack-ass and even though thinking to yourself at the time, 'what a moron' you can still go later and grab their hand and ask how their day was. Love is a constant, it's the liking part that goes up and down. Try to know the difference.

So my question is what would you tell your former self, given your life experiences. Look forward to reading the results.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our little dance...

Tonight my husband and I had a little tiff, so I left him in the basement to stew for a while. Usually when this happens one of us will come with a piece offering. Tonight was my turn to wave the white flag, so I downloaded one of our songs that we used to listen to, and probably made out to, when we were dating. I quietly sat at the top of the stairs, laptop on my lap and blasted the song for him to hear. Of course it was a mushy song about love and loss. Next thing I know he is chuckling and calling for me to come down. Of course I play coy and ignore him, he continued calling me until I finally relented.
After grabbing my hand and playfully teasing me I forgave him for being such a brute earlier, and he maybe forgave me for telling him to pipe it and maybe the words 'mouth piece' were uttered in there... it's not important. *ahem* Moving on, we got over it, laughed about it, and will probably do it again in a week or so.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Many Firsts

I have to confess this pregnancy has been and I am sure will continue to be so different then the others. I attribute it to the 'fact' that I am having a baby girl. (fingers crossed) As I have sat and pondered this pregnancy and as the days go by and new symptoms appear I can't help but notice the differences.
I have had serious morning sickness with this baby. I have tried to get off the meds and I pay for that in the morning, so I have resigned myself to taking meds until birth-day.
I have NO bladder control with this pregnancy. I have to change at least once a day because I wasn't quick enough to cross my legs as a sneeze or cough came on. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to be all dressed and fresh and almost out the door when "a- achoo" hits, I am running to the bathroom and fishing for new underclothes. I am sooooooo over that!
I am quite, oh how shall we say this tactfully, "Randy Baby" Yes I must confess this time around I am actually in the mood. I don't know why ( 0f course my husband is wonderful and handsome) but he was with the other two also and at that time me and sex didn't go together. This is one first my hubby is happy, happy about!
Now this next one just appeared about 3 days ago. As I am sitting down for what feels like the first time that day, I ask my husband to pull off my socks because I can't really reach them. So when I glance down at my badly in need of a pedicure feet I realize I have NO ankle. My husband kindly refers to my tree stumps as 'kankles' I don't know what it means, I am sure it's rude though. Anyway I have swollen feet and calves. It has been 3 days now and they look brutal. I called a friend of mine to complain and so she can tell me all about the support socks she had just a few short months ago with her pregnancy. As I am relying my story and how ugly I feel and fed up, she tells me she had her compression stockings prescribed by her doctor because she had varicose veins all over from the waist down. Now when I say all over, I mean ALL over, you know what I am saying right, even in the nether regions. Poor girl. She did recommend them though so I am off tomorrow to get them.
There have been many firsts with this pregnancy, and I am trying to keep my head on straight about it, to laugh it off knowing it's only for a season. I am telling myself to enjoy all these firsts because it probably is your last kick at the can.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is this at the bottom of the Barrel?

I'm scrapping, I know, but I don't have anything to write about and I feel like posting so here it is.

As of late my baby has been moving, alot. Of course I am only in my 28th week so the movements you just witnessed I am no where near. Watching this video, seeing that the only thing preventing this baby from reaching out to touch someone is a layer of skin. Kind of crazy.
It kind of reminds me of those old sci-fi movies where the implanted alien baby is ready to break out and take over the world.
FYI if you think you may want to rent the movie 'Step Brothers' with Will Ferrel- DON'T!! It is really rude, excessive swearing, I think an actual set of testicles is shown (gross). Honestly it tragically contrived and lame. Two BIG thumbs down!
It's becoming more real, apart from my weight gain, and what looks like a beach ball in front, I realize this baby is coming. Today we set up my son's loft bed, put a mattress underneath it for my youngest son, transferred all the toys and 'junk' and it's done. The crib is put together, I know it's early but we didn't even know if we had all the parts so we wanted to make sure. The new stroller/car seat is in her room. All that is left to do is paint, and make sure it's a girl by begging for another ultrasound from my doctor.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So that's it in a nut shell.

Monday, January 12, 2009

From Afar

I am not sure how I came across this women's blog so many months ago, all I know is her story and her journey have captivated me. As I have read her many posts about her beloved Christian I have smiled, wept and gone into my children's room late in the night for an extra kiss.
It was only this past summer that her son, Christian, a 3 year old boy passed away. It was sudden and from what I can gather an accident.
In her very intimate and emotion filled posts one can sense the grief this women and her family are experiencing. Along with that you get a glimpse of a true women of faith and perseverance. Her mind is completely drawn towards heaven and the fact that she will one day be there to hold her precious child.
I have never commented on her posts, only read and admired from afar. It's hard to know what to write to someone who is grieving over a loss that seems incomparable. Through this women's journey I have been challenged in how I would handle a similar situation, even how I handle everyday life stresses and I am humbled. She is walking with grace, joy, pain and hope. She is going to make it, her family will survive this and her story will make us all realize what truly is important.

A nice memory

Here are a few pictures of our last outing with Willow, our dog.

She loved chasing the kids down the hill!

Thank goodness for daddy's, there is no way I would have been able to climb that hill more then once.

What a fun day!!

Maybe a little premature...

This is our bedroom before we painted. I had forgotten to take a picture while our old furniture was in the room, but at least you'll get a glimpse at the before color.
These are the after shots..

We still have to replace all baseboards and trim, get our new bed and bedding, new window treatments, paint the closet doors and then the on suite. Man even thinking of all that makes me realize we've only just begun. Well anyway it's a little glimpse of what we've been doing this weekend. Next time I post it will be the finished product.

Friday, January 09, 2009

So good

This is one of my favorite songs, when I saw that Seal sang it.. wow!

My Turn

Here is my questionnaire extraordinaire...
1) What was the last thing you did before you came online today?
Made a cup of coffee, extra cream, and retreated to my bedroom.
2) Do you prefer a bikini panty or thong? Thongs kind of gross me out. I especially hate them when I am at the gym and some girl is changing and all I see is her butt cheeks with a piece of floss wedged in there... YUCK! Bikini briefs for me.
3) Latest product you've purchased? Bio Oil, it's supposed to help with stretch marks, we'll see...
4) Last book you read? Do instructions to a kids game count, sadly I haven't read a book in quite a while.
5) One childhood memory? I remember getting this really sweet one piece jumpsuit when I was about 8 years old. I was told NOT to wear it to go out to play. I sneaked it on, my friend and I thought it would be a great idea if I put on my roller blades and she would pull me around behind her bike. Of course I fell, put a hole in the knee and was scared spit less. I begged my friends mom to try to sew it together, she said I had to go and tell my mom. The lecture I received about how she wears old clothes and does nothing for herself put me to tears. I have always remembered that.
6) First Kiss? I was in grade 9 and dating a boy a few years older then me. We were at his folks place watching a movie and I could feel him looking at me, so I looked over and he made his move. Wet and sloppy..nasty! I pushed him away and said I should go home now. Funny, I never really heard from him again.
7) What color of nail polish are you wearing? I have turquoise on my toes, I can't seem to keep my fingernails in great shape when they are painted.
8) What are you wearing? Grey workout pants, slippers, and a long sleeved top. My husband loooovvveess this look! :O)
9) Last phone call? I called The Brick ( a furniture store) to see if they would price match a flat screen T.V for us.
10) One New Year's Resolution? Eat more fruit and vegetables.
11) Something new you want to try? I want to start making jewellery.
12) Something you haven't done for a while and want to start up again? You mean besides exercising? Well I want to start knitting again. I find it relaxing.
13) Favorite chocolate bar? Turtles!!
14) Long glamour nails or short nails? I love the look of a manicured hand. Can I do all my chores around the house and keep that look. Nope, I go for the short clean look myself.
15) What color is your bedroom? Cherry red ( this was here when we bought the place) In a couple of days it will be a lovely green though.
16)Favorite season? Easier to say my least favorite, winter. The other three seasons are my favorite.
17) One pet peeve? Elderly drivers.
18) Do you make your bed every morning? ...No?
19) What is the first post you ever wrote about? My first post was in 1995, I guess I was sort of introducing myself to the blogger community.
20) Did you enjoy this questionnaire? Yep!
21) Not done yet, one more thing, post a picture that makes you feel good.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

It happened to me

Last year I attended a women's group at a church in my area. It was a great time of fellowship, food and great speakers. There was one speaker in particular, Marlene, who was quirky, cute and had the funniest stories about raising her children.
I have always remembered the time she told about getting stuck in the snow while driving her kids to school. That morning she threw a parka over her housecoat and P.J's, hopped in the vehicle only to get stuck on front of her kid's high school. She told of the horror on her kid's faces as she climbed out of the van, looking crazy, with all their friends watching as she flagged down help.
We all had a great laugh over it, and it has always stuc in my mind to be careful what you wear, you never know.
Well today was the day. I have to say I was dressed but I decided to forgo the socks and boots and just wear my slippers. Everything was fine until we discovered my son had forgotten his snowpants. Seeing that we had a few minutes and that we only live a few blocks from school I decided to pull a U-turn and return home for the snowpants. BIG MISTAKE!!
So there I am stuck, wheels spining, completely cutting off trafic, no mits and slippers. What do I do? So I tell my son to go to school, I hope out of the van and start digging with my hands trying to remove the snow so I can get some traction. By this time five vehicles are at a stop, waiting for me to move my big van and I am not going anywhere. I keep spinning my tires, my feet are frozen as well as my hands. I start to get a momentum going, I feel like I may break free from this ice and snow, and finally, finally a compassionate soul comes and gives me a big push and it's over. I thank her profusley and wave as I drive home taking note I might add that the other vehicles waiting for me to clear the way all are men drivers, not a one asked if I needed help, just waited for me to break free from the snow. Tsk, tsk!
Lesson learned, never leave the house unprepared.
