Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm Frustrated....

I blog for many reasons, I like that it records the daily going on's in our family, it's great for looking back on memories, and I enjoy expressing myself this way. Today is about expressing frustration... My oldest son is in grade 1 public school. Each and everyday he comes home I search through his bag to get his schedule book. The teacher and I use this book to communicate, if I have a question I write it down in this book and if my oldest son has achieved something great in school or got himself into mischief she tells me through this book. You get the drift, right?
This past Friday I came across a insert stating that my son had climbed a fence and because this was against school policy he will be missing a week's worth of recesses. That is 15 recesses in one week. Now I am not one of those mom's who thinks her son does no wrong, trust me I am all for punishments that fit the crime, but this one has me scratching my head.
I am trying to remain objective but the more I think about it the more I get frustrated and upset. I believe all kids, especially boys, need physical activity, once all that energy is drained they are better equipped to sit and listen, to be calm because all the ants in their pants are gone. Part of me wonders if this punishment is going to make the week harder on him because he won't have fresh air all day, no running and shouting, it really bothers me. What bothers me more is they didn't discuss with me, his mother, if this type of punishment is alright. Frankly it isn't..... okay I am getting all riled up again.:O) Breathe Jody!!
So tomorrow I will be chatting with his teacher and expressing my thoughts towards this punishment. I guess we'll see what happens. It's days like this I wish homeschooling had worked better for us. (sigh)


Bijoux said...

There are 15 recesses a week? Sorry, I'm trying to wrap my head around that!

I'd want to find out if there is a clear rule about climbing the fence. But yes, missing an entire week of recess does seem excessive for an offense that didn't hurt anyone else.

Don't feel bad about the homeschooling. It's not something I even had the desire to try.

JodyJ said...

Cocotte- At our kids school there are 3 recesses a day, and they want him to miss 5 days worth of them. It sounds crazy to me too...

flutterby said...

Maybe you could present an alternative that would suit the situation?

Tough to know what to do... I do like that the school communicates regularly about behavior and what not with you... my kids agendas don't seem to be used like that. :( Sometimes I would like some more information, especially when you know that there may be issues or troubles, you know?

JodyJ said...

Flutter- good advice about presenting an alternative punishment so both parties are satisfied.

Jennifer Kindle said...

I'm agreeing with the alternative punishment. For one, recess at this age is their physical activity which should be important...they wouldn't make him miss English for an entire week, would they? Before I get on one of my soap boxes...I just wanted to say thanks for the comment on my blog about leading your heart..I agree and need to remind myself that some things just have to be done whether I feel like doing it or not. I enjoy your blog.

hanna said...

maybe they can make him climb the fence 15 times ;) he'd be worn out, probably wouldn't do it again and would sit quietly all day after that. :) I think that a week is way too long. After 1 day he'll feel it. hope you can work something out. Tell me about the homeschooling..I'm thinking of it.

JodyJ said...

Hanna- Now that's a solution I would go for!! What a good idea :O)
I will write you an email about homeschooling later today. So nice to see you on here, do you have a blog? I would love to read it!
