Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring is in the Air....finally.

I dare say it's here folks, we have been waiting for what seems like forever, and I think I can finally say it's here. I don't know why this year it has felt like winter just wouldn't end. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that my baby is due in spring so that coupled with the anticipation of warmer weather probably has something to do with it.
This past weekend my husband and I went into our mud/concrete mess of a backyard to do some spring cleaning. As he was doing all the bending to pick up trash and lifting it all away I was daydreaming about the new deck we will put up this summer. Taking one of the many sticks that were laying on the ground I drew the outline of the deck and then moved onto the area where I want to put the above ground pool. This is what I love about spring, it's a time for planning and new beginnings.
We are looking at getting a covered pergola to keep out the pesky mosquito's and wasps that seem to hover and bite whenever we are sitting around outside. Unfortunately I have read terrible reviews about these pergola's. You see where I live is very windy, so much so people have wrote in saying their pergola collapsed within 2 weeks. Something to keep in mind anyway.
So yes we have lots planned for this spring and summer and I am anxiously awaiting this baby to arrive so I can feel like I can enjoy this weather a bit. Whenever the weather turns for the better it makes me want to get more active, hit the gym or the trails for a walk, not this year. Walking up the stairs is giving me contractions so it's a bit frustrating, soon it will be a memory and I will be so sleep deprived the mere thought of a walk will not even enter my head.
Well this has been more of a rambling post, just some things that are going on in my neck of the woods.
What are your spring/summer plans????


Bijoux said...

I've caught spring fever too. It's been nice to be able to walk so much the past two weeks - almost everyday! Yeah!!

No special spring plans here. My summer will be filled with driving kids places.

JodyJ said...

Cocotte- being able to get out and walk is so nice after being held up in our houses for the past months.

flutterby said...

We still have a ton of snow around here -- half slush and mud puddles and half snow. yuck.

But, the warm temps are sure nice!

25 more days! Maybe she'll come a bit early... or does that freak you out?!

JodyJ said...

Flutter- my Mother in law is coming down for the big event so anytime after April 2nd would be fine. I feel like me life is on hold so I would like the bambino to make an early arrival.

WAUGDAI said...

I'm anxiously awaiting to meet the little one! Let me know - I would say that would be a deemable roadtrip to be made!

As for the spring fever - oh boy do I have it bad! I'm so wanting summer to just be here already. I'm attempting at growing a garden this year and starting to do some seedlings in the house... oh that sounds so domestic doesn't it? yuck!

Summer: hmmm.. where to begin with the plans. The most anticipated: road trip through the okanagan - to the wine festival, crash a friend's cabin to get in some wakeboarding, then slowly make the way back through Grande Prairie for some dirt muddin' atv'ing and a little horseback riding (depending on the bear/cougar situation). tee hee.

JodyJ said...

Waugdai- Ok I am so jealous!! Wine, water skiing, horseback riding.... maybe one day!!
Gardening is great, you should be proud, there is nothing like eating something you have grown yourself.

WAUGDAI said...

I do look forward to eating it all up! Yum. It'll be nice to know what exactly is being used on the foods I'm injesting. I'm really attempting somewhat a purest lifestyle... it's been hard!
