Monday, March 09, 2009

Counting Sheep and Wide Awake

I am going to pay for this in the morning. It's 1:40am and I am wide awake in bed writting this blog. I tried to go to sleep hours ago and just sort of laid here waiting for my eyes to go heavy and my brain to turn off, that blessed time never came.
Being the curious person that I am I decided to You Tube a video of a woman giving birth, now that was a mistake. Getting a bird's eye view, from that end, did NOTHING to calm my anxiety or turn my brain off for that matter. Now the thought of my body being put through such trauma has me even more awake and thoughtful. Let's move on so I can stop thinking about it.
I have my babies nursery on the brain. This weekend we bought a second hand dresser, repainted it white and it soon will be added to her room. Due to the weather in our neck of the woods being less then stellar, and our boys going absolutely stir crazy in the house, I purchased some wooden keepsake boxes for them
to paint and decorate for their sister. They did a fairly decent job of decorating and I am looking forward to seeing how they look on her newly painted dresser.
One other thing on the brain is I was able to reconnect with a girl I went on a mission trip to Israel with. It has been well over 10 years since we've spoken, gotta love Facebook!! So we are in the midst of catching up. From what I understand she still takes trips to Israel and her photo's make me miss it something terrible.
Do you see what I mean, there is alot going on in my brain and I NEED to shut it off. I need to try again to go to sleep or I will be a walking zombie tomorrow. Wish me luck...


Bijoux said...

I hate when that happens! Hope you were able to get enough sleep before the boys woke up.

And I recently found a childhood friend whom I hadn't spoken to in 22 years, thanks to FB. Gotta love that!

JodyJ said...

Cocotte- After I finished my post I tried again and fell asleep only to awake 1 hour later to turn on my other side and adjust the pillow that I keep between my knees. That's pretty much how the rest of the night went... what can you do?? I am up and ready to mainline some coffee now, that should keep my eyes open for the next few hours, after which I will suggest my little guy and I have a snuggle bed in my bed, he watches a show and I sleep. :O) Can't wait!!

WAUGDAI said...

Try sudoko - that'll put you to sleep! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, this brings back memories ..... later in both pregnancies Queenie had trouble sleeping because of the failure of the mind to shut down for her as well. Labor, the nursery, and thoughts of old friends/family kept her awake a lot.

No advice here, we never did find anything that worked though hot chocolate (or gertrude hawk) and MASH reruns sometimes helped.

flutterby said...

ARGH. Blogger ate my comment!

Hope you're feeling more rested...

JodyJ said...

Xavier- I'll try to hot chocolate next time, any excuse to drink hot chocolate I will gladly take.

Flutter- What is up with Blogger anyway.. I don't know how many times that has happened to me also.
