Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our little dance...

Tonight my husband and I had a little tiff, so I left him in the basement to stew for a while. Usually when this happens one of us will come with a piece offering. Tonight was my turn to wave the white flag, so I downloaded one of our songs that we used to listen to, and probably made out to, when we were dating. I quietly sat at the top of the stairs, laptop on my lap and blasted the song for him to hear. Of course it was a mushy song about love and loss. Next thing I know he is chuckling and calling for me to come down. Of course I play coy and ignore him, he continued calling me until I finally relented.
After grabbing my hand and playfully teasing me I forgave him for being such a brute earlier, and he maybe forgave me for telling him to pipe it and maybe the words 'mouth piece' were uttered in there... it's not important. *ahem* Moving on, we got over it, laughed about it, and will probably do it again in a week or so.


WAUGDAI said...

Awww... J&J -> role models for all married folk! And those of us still waiting for miracles... ;-)

Bijoux said...

It's always good to be the one who makes the first move. You two are sweet.

JodyJ said...

Waugdai- your miracle will come!!!

Cocotte- If there is one thing I have learned is humour is the best medicine for a couple at odds.

flutterby said...

Great move, girl! Kinda reminded me of that John Cusack movie where he plays that Peter Gabriel song.

You made me smile!

But, you have to name the late 80s/90s GOLD that you two made out to. :D Please?! I promise not to tease just too much.

JodyJ said...

Flutter- Hold onto your seat, one of the songs was 'With These Eyes' by Roch Voisine, the other is 'I Swear' by Boyz II Men. Hey didn't someone sing that song at your wedding??
