Here is my questionnaire extraordinaire...
1) What was the last thing you did before you came online today?
Made a cup of coffee, extra cream, and retreated to my bedroom.
2) Do you prefer a bikini panty or thong? Thongs kind of gross me out. I especially hate them when I am at the gym and some girl is changing and all I see is her butt cheeks with a piece of floss wedged in there... YUCK! Bikini briefs for me.
3) Latest product you've purchased? Bio Oil, it's supposed to help with stretch marks, we'll see...
4) Last book you read? Do instructions to a kids game count, sadly I haven't read a book in quite a while.
5) One childhood memory? I remember getting this really sweet one piece jumpsuit when I was about 8 years old. I was told NOT to wear it to go out to play. I sneaked it on, my friend and I thought it would be a great idea if I put on my roller blades and she would pull me around behind her bike. Of course I fell, put a hole in the knee and was scared spit less. I begged my friends mom to try to sew it together, she said I had to go and tell my mom. The lecture I received about how she wears old clothes and does nothing for herself put me to tears. I have always remembered that.
6) First Kiss? I was in grade 9 and dating a boy a few years older then me. We were at his folks place watching a movie and I could feel him looking at me, so I looked over and he made his move. Wet and sloppy..nasty! I pushed him away and said I should go home now. Funny, I never really heard from him again.
7) What color of nail polish are you wearing? I have turquoise on my toes, I can't seem to keep my fingernails in great shape when they are painted.
8) What are you wearing? Grey workout pants, slippers, and a long sleeved top. My husband loooovvveess this look! :O)
9) Last phone call? I called The Brick ( a furniture store) to see if they would price match a flat screen T.V for us.
10) One New Year's Resolution? Eat more fruit and vegetables.
11) Something new you want to try? I want to start making jewellery.
12) Something you haven't done for a while and want to start up again? You mean besides exercising? Well I want to start knitting again. I find it relaxing.
13) Favorite chocolate bar? Turtles!!
14) Long glamour nails or short nails? I love the look of a manicured hand. Can I do all my chores around the house and keep that look. Nope, I go for the short clean look myself.
15) What color is your bedroom? Cherry red ( this was here when we bought the place) In a couple of days it will be a lovely green though.
16)Favorite season? Easier to say my least favorite, winter. The other three seasons are my favorite.
17) One pet peeve? Elderly drivers.
18) Do you make your bed every morning? ...No?
19) What is the first post you ever wrote about? My first post was in 1995, I guess I was sort of introducing myself to the blogger community.
20) Did you enjoy this questionnaire? Yep!
21) Not done yet, one more thing, post a picture that makes you feel good.