Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This and That

Home reno's have been my life for the past month or so. It's true what they say, you start and it just balloon's out of control. If you replace the baseboards you have to paint the closet doors and window frames, right? Once you start painting one room you MUST do the other's so they look fresh and bright too, well don't you? This is the conversations my hubby and I share quite often.
I use to think I would enjoy and old character home with all the charm and architecture BUT I don't really enjoy all the reno's so I think a new home made to look like an old craftsman home is definately what I need.

Transition is the name of the game for us right now. My husband's contract is coming to an end and so is our time here. I can't say I am really sorry to leave, as you all know, but where are we going?? Now that is the question. Due to all this indecision things here are a bit stressful. And of course when things aren't going great the little darlings sure pick up on it and just seem to add to the frustration-poor things.
We are trying to keep schedules the same amidst all the reno's personal stress, and decluttering and packing that is going on. The kids know a move is on the horizon but due to their limited ability to comprehend a month away or so, it seems to them like this is just dragging on and on.....

My little baby girl has decided she is done nursing. Every time one of the kids have weaned themselves it made me sad. Especially with her because she isn't even a year yet, and she is my last baby so I'm a bit sad.
One night just after her first tooth came in she chomped down on me. I didn't yell out or anything just kind of jumped, well that was enough for her, she howled for about 10 minutes. The next night it happened again and I tried to gently pry her off, well again it sent her into hysterics and that was the last time she nursed. Yes, she is sensitive.
On the up side I have more independence which means I can leave the house for more then an hour without high tailing it back home to make sure she's all right.

The post is disjointed, sorry about that. I can't seem to string along a coherent thought. This is just a bit of why I haven't been blogging much lately, I am hoping things settle down soon so life can feel calm again.


Bijoux said...

It was definitely the hardest to stop nursing with the last one. I sympathize with you about the moving. I don't like things to be up in the air like that. Hope you get everything settled soon.

Jennifer Kindle said...

a prayer of peace is going up on your behalf.

JodyJ said...

Cocotte and Jen- thanks ladies for the kind words!!

flutterby said...

Beautiful new look. Hmmm... home renos and blog renos all at once!

I can't wait to see the fruit of all your labor. And I'm excited for the new horizons coming for you and your family. Hang tight, girl... the stress will not last forever and soon you will be saying goodbye and moving on.

JodyJ said...

flutter- miss you girl, feels like forever since we chatted. Thanks for the encouraging words, limbo sux thats for sure!! Not sure about this template either, my eyes get wiggy with this one also... augh!! old age, old eyes
