Wednesday, January 27, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

A few products that I am loving and I thought I would share.

Ella's Botanicals Bottom's Up

This baby bottom cream is so nice. It has no parabens, perfumes or SLS. It smells delicious and can be used for more then just baby's bottoms. Love, Love this stuff!

Organic Surge

This lotion is really nice and has done a great job on healing my dry, rough, cracked feet. This company has a real heart for Africa and donates time, energy and resources to aid the people there.

Bio Life Tub n' Tile

This tub and tile cleaner smells so fresh and the best part is I don't get a headache from it. It's bio degradable and so it's a good choice for the earth.

Dr. Brommer's Castille Soap

Castille soap how I love thee. I bought my first bottle from the health food store 1 year ago for $19 and I still have 1/4 of the bottle left. At first I used it on the boys for bath time as a soap and shampoo. I now use it to make my own baby wipes. It's more cost efficient, no parabens or harsh chemicals touch your baby's skin with these homemade wipes. Here's the recipe and by the way they make wonderful travel wipes for the family.

Homemade Wipes
2 cups H2O
1/16 c of organic olive oil
1/16 c of castille soap ( I use the almond scented one.... SOOOOO good!!)
2 drops of tea tree oil (which has anti fungal, antiseptic activity to it)

Mix it all together, cut and fold paper towel to the length you want, fold them to fit in the plastic container you choose and add the amount of liquid you desire. Note: if you make too many wipes and they aren't used they will become musty. I make enough for about 5 days at a time.

Well my eyes are getting droopy.. time to call it a night. I could go on a bit more, maybe another day. To be continued, well maybe. I'd love to hear about a few of your favorite things!


Bijoux said...

I wonder how the Baby's Bottom stuff would work on this nasty hand eczema problem I seemed to pick up? Anyway, I like your choices. Where did you purchase all those items?

flutterby said...

I wish I had made wipes for my kiddos.

Be aware, there is some talk about the estrogenic (??) properties of Tea Tree Oil and it's affect on boys and men. I'm not sure what the tolerances are, but you might want to look into it.

JodyJ said...

Cocotte- A few of them are from the health food store, the other's were from a pharmacy chain up here in igloo country called Shopper's Drug Mart.

Flutter- i will look into the Tea Tree Oil thanks for the heads up!
