Friday, November 21, 2008

Ëverything's amazing, and nobody's happy!

My husband and I watched this together and boy did it spark a discussion. I see myself reflected in much of the anecdote's and jokes that he's telling. To stop, I mean really stop, and think about what we are experiencing, the technology that is around us would truly have baffled us 30 years ago.
How do we slow down enough to appreciate what is around us? How do we go from being a people that think the world owes us, to asking how we can contribute?
Our conversation took on many thoughts, thoughts about our own life, how we want to live and leave our footprint on this planet.
Questions have been asked, conversations have begun and we are still searching. I believe the desire with those I've conversed with, be it friends or family, to simplify and live a less busy life is there. How do we do it when the world is spinning around us?
Gotta do more, gotta get more. More toys, bigger houses, more cars, trips ect. How does one step off this ride and just be?
For me, I think there needs to be a center to which we cling to, an idea or philosophy. If we do stray from that which we hold dear major upheaval needs to happen in order to re-align ourselves once again. Simply put, not so simple.

"Life is one long struggle to disinter oneself, to keep one's head above the accumulations, the ever deepening layers of objects ... which attempt to cover one over, steadily, almost irresistibly, like falling snow."
~Rose Macaulay


Bijoux said...

That was hilarious and SO TRUE! And I'm in the front of the line when it comes to complaining. This was a good post to reflect on before the holidays, Jody.

flutterby said...

Oh gosh, Jody. That was funny and, yeah... so true!

I would love to hear more of thoughts on this and the "center" that you and your hubby are formulating.

I, too, think a lot of Simplifying... but it's actually quite complicated!! This world, society... it's spoiled me with it's "amazingness". Yet there is something so attractive about living apart from all of that. To go back to "donkey and pots clanging on the sides" as that man joked. Can you imagine the world if that happened?

All I know is, I'd have to learn me some SKILLZ really fast!!!

JodyJ said...
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JodyJ said...

Cocotte- I would be standing right beside you. This morning I was complaining about how L.O.N.G it was taking to load the internet. 'It's going to space, give it a second!' came to mind and I chilled out.

Flutter- We'll have to chat this weekend. But I must say the thought of more jack asses in the world doesn't seem so appealing, I suppose road rage would be at a minimum.

flutterby said...

Took me a moment to focus on what you said... the horrible, ear-ringing display of SWEARING threw me off. :D lol I'm kidding, girl.

Looking forward to this weekend. We'll have to rack em up on that pool table on Friday night. :)

JodyJ said...

See ya Friday!!

WAUGDAI said...

Love the clip! Loved it!! The battle between simplicity and technology has been a long journey in my life over the past year... I love this guys take on 'everything's amazing'. Yet, the technology that we love cultivates impatience and when patience is lost the beauty in simplicity is also lost. We fail to stop and really give aww or thanks for where we are and what we have - instead only wanting more because we've forgotten...

That being said; suppose I didn't need to purchase two more pairs of chucks this weekend in Vegas (but they were so cheap and I live in one pair here!) haha.
