Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Half Way There..

This is what my baby looks like at this time. I am 20 weeks pregnant, half way there, it's hard to believe.
Seeing how the first half of my pregnancy was a little rough, I am gearing up for the last half to be much more ideal. You see I had all these expectations and aspirations of how I was going to try to be more fit this time around. In my previous two pregnancies I didn't go to the gym once. Pathetic, and now I see myself falling into the same trap. Today I went to the gym for the first time since seeing the two pink lines appear. It felt a little strange seeing that I am tummy heavy, or should I say heavier.. :O) While on the bike I became dizzy after about 10 minutes so I opted to leave, then changed my mind and did my leg work out.
Now I know I can't turn back the scale at this point, sad as that is, but I am hoping to S-L-O-W down the fast rise of the numbers.
So here's to the first 20 weeks being full of surprises and nausea, and here's hoping the last 20 are full of good surprises, lots of laughter and lack of stretch marks.


Bijoux said...

Congrats (a little late) and best wishes!

flutterby said...

I am SOOO proud of you for hitting the gym... pregnant women rock. Just take it slow. (but not as slow as me -- I have yet to make it there!)

Man, your baby sure looks uncomfortable. No wonder they kick and squirm. :D

JodyJ said...

Cocotte - Thanks for the kind words!

My Flutter - Come down to see me and we can hit my 'posh'gym together!! See you at Mom and Dad's..LÇhaim!

WAUGDAI said...

Jod... wow... what an amazing picture! I'm speechless. Good for you for getting to the gym! You go girl!

JodyJ said...

Waugdai- Thanks for the nice words. Yeah the picture is pretty awesome, I got it off google image. Pretty amazing hey?
