Thursday, March 27, 2008

Making Change

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Darwin~

Cardboard boxes are lining the perimeter of my living room. My love seat is now where my kitchen table used to reside and my butt is too old to be sitting on a Dora the Explorer seat in order to watch the tube.
It seems everyone feels so out of whack when there is any type of disorder about the house. I have a husband who is short tempered, my oldest is feeling nervous which translates him into being very emotional, my youngest is oblivious and I am left trying to manage them all. I am handling things alright, except for the occasional row with the hubby which is becoming more the norm for the time being. Oh well, this too shall pass.
I used to enjoy change when it was just me. The thought of a new adventure, new people with a new landscape was exciting, how things have changed. Becoming a wife and a mother makes you realize the importance of stability, and routine. In those early months of having a newborn you certainly appreciate the importance of getting the baby on a routine as quickly as possible. In doing this it lets you know where you stand with a little human who can't communicate with you in any way that's understandable. So I've come to love the expected, I stroke it like it's my pet and do my darnedest to maintain it. Having said all this and looking like a complete control freak who comes unglued with the slightest amount of change, I am excited.. no really I am. Just as labour is ah... laborious and messy the outcome certainly makes it worth it. I am looking forward to birthing a new home for us even if it means tearing a bit. (sorry had to throw in, it went with the whole birthing theme, all you mommies can uncross your legs now)

1 comment:

flutterby said...

Uhhhh... my legs might have cramped up in their crossed position, hon. "tearing"... urrrrggghh.

You always create a wonderful home for your family, no matter where you've been. I can't wait to see your new one!
