Saturday, December 24, 2005

Gastritis (gas-tri' tis)

A few mornings ago after the boys had been fed and watered, I went to have a Chinese orange. With in minutes I had this huge cramping, very painful. It slowly subsided until my first coffee of the day, then BAM it hit again. So I went to the doc and he said I have gastritis, I am on Zantac to calm down the acid production.
I am feeling better today so I decided to blog.
Friends of ours called the last night, they don't know we don't celebrate X-mas. So she is asking me all these questions like are the boys excited about presents, have I got all my X-mas shopping done. Augh!! I answered very vaguely, we aren't close friends so I've never really explained our views, and when I do explain to someone it takes a lot of time and discussion, so to go into it over the phone doesn't seem like the best time. Augh!! I find this a little frustrating, never in my life have I felt so not apart of this world as I have since we have chosen to walk the way Messiah walked.


flutterby said...

Ouch. Although I can almost not help myself from reminding you... andLordhelpmeIsoundjustlikemymotherkillmenow...

Oranges and coffee are horrible on an empty stomach.

Glad you're feeling better, though, and back on the blogging wagon. You had me worried, Little Sprout. (That just came out... can't help these things, you know. FWIW, any nickname given in a fit of wordiness can be contested and/or revoked at the International Nickname Summit held every 100 years in Belarus. See you there!)

Tough about the phone call. It seems that all small talk around this time of year revolves around Xmas. Kind of hard to escape. Until Messiah returns, anyway!!

Looking forward to our visit in a few days.

WAUGDAI said...

Hey Girl, I know gastritis is painful. Good to know you're doing better.

The tough questions will always come girl. Remember that you have always been a trail blazer and will continue too. I am proud to call you my friend. I am proud to have a friend who stands strong for what they believe in.
You are still apart of my world.

Even between the miles and visits. I think and pray for you often. I love you deeply friend!

JodyJ said...

Both you girls always make me feel better. Thanks for your friendship!! Lots of love!
