Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good Intentions

My heart was in the right place, I really did have good intentions and wanted to succeed but it wasn't meant to be.
I convinced my very skeptical husband to buy me another gym pass. I told him I'd get the 3 month pass as a trial run to see if we could juggle our schedules, co-ordinate with the nursing times of the baby,and see if we could do it. Well guess what?? I know you know... it's NOT working.
My littlest sweetheart has a knack for throwing things off schedule in our already busy home. It's like she knows when I am trying to plan sometime out of the house because her feedings become erratic, she's fussy or will only settle down at 9pm. I suppose I could go after 9pm, the gym is 24 hours. But honestly I get a little nervous being there that late. The few times I have gone I am usually the only girl there among a handful of guys and the staff all leave earlier so it's just us patrons. I just don't feel comfortable so I tend to not go.
So here I am, still carrying this beloved baby weight, and maybe a few extra pounds that I had before the pregnancy. :O) I am sick of feeling like a stuffed sausage in my pre-pregnancy clothes, and I REALLY don't want to buy anymore clothes in the size I need. My only option is to loose weight.
The journey has begun for an at home cardio machine. I am looking at the Nordick Track Incline trainer. It burns a lot of calories, which I need, and it does so in minimal time, which again I need.

Hopefully by the end of summer the stuffed sausage feeling will be at a minimum and I will feel better knowing I am on my way....


Bijoux said...

I feel your pain - is the nursing still helping you lose any weight? It's so hard to exercise with kids underfoot and I don't blame you for not wanting to go workout at 9 pm - Big Brother might be on or something!

flutterby said...

I remember those baby/hazy/crazy days... it always seems your needs come Last, if at all.

I think having something at home will be great for you. But seriously? That bad boy there makes my shin splints run from the room, screaming... just from looking at it!

But no doubt it will be a great workout. When I was working out with Roddy, he had me doing some crossover stuff, lunges, backwards squat walks, etc on a treadmill at a huge inline (not 40*, though!) Killer stuff and great strength training. I'll share the goods w you once you get your machine. :D

Here's to feeling better and being healthy!! I need to get back on that train, too.

JodyJ said...

cocotte- Honestly I think the breastfeeding is helping me maintain the weight I am at, I must confess I haven't been exactly watching what I've been shovelling into my mouth. I guess no more blizzards...(sigh)
Flutter- you are a derby rockstar, I don't think you have anything to worry about girl!!
I would be super interested in those lunges from hell once our new baby arrives!
