Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good Intentions

My heart was in the right place, I really did have good intentions and wanted to succeed but it wasn't meant to be.
I convinced my very skeptical husband to buy me another gym pass. I told him I'd get the 3 month pass as a trial run to see if we could juggle our schedules, co-ordinate with the nursing times of the baby,and see if we could do it. Well guess what?? I know you know... it's NOT working.
My littlest sweetheart has a knack for throwing things off schedule in our already busy home. It's like she knows when I am trying to plan sometime out of the house because her feedings become erratic, she's fussy or will only settle down at 9pm. I suppose I could go after 9pm, the gym is 24 hours. But honestly I get a little nervous being there that late. The few times I have gone I am usually the only girl there among a handful of guys and the staff all leave earlier so it's just us patrons. I just don't feel comfortable so I tend to not go.
So here I am, still carrying this beloved baby weight, and maybe a few extra pounds that I had before the pregnancy. :O) I am sick of feeling like a stuffed sausage in my pre-pregnancy clothes, and I REALLY don't want to buy anymore clothes in the size I need. My only option is to loose weight.
The journey has begun for an at home cardio machine. I am looking at the Nordick Track Incline trainer. It burns a lot of calories, which I need, and it does so in minimal time, which again I need.

Hopefully by the end of summer the stuffed sausage feeling will be at a minimum and I will feel better knowing I am on my way....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just Because

Sometimes you just run out of material, so here goes...

1) What would you like written on your headstone?
"Here Lies Jody J. Pardon me for not rising..."
Seriously though I have never thought about it, maybe something fun is the way to go.
2) What is your dream car?
If I were childless it would be an old convertible mustang, aqua blue! But I DO have kids so I would love a Ford Expedition or a Toyota Sienna, I know typical soccer mom vehicle. I am a soccer mom and proud of it!
3) Is pornography morally wrong?
Yes... that is all I am gonna say about that.
4)What is the best music video EVER????
Due to the sudden passing of Michael Jackson, hubby and I have been watching some of his video's. The one that really caught our eye was the last performance he did a few days prior to his passing. His dancing is SICK!!

5)Do you carry a donor card? Why or why not?
I do, as morbid as it is to think about. I believe it is the right thing to do if your not going to need them anymore.
6)What color do you prefer your pens to write in?
Purple... I love writing in purple!
7)Are babies cute?
Of course, even the homely babies are cute.
8)Do you subscribe to a magazine? Which one?
I don't but I would like to get one.
9)What was the last thing you used a microwave for?
I used it to reheat a banana muffin for my son.
10)What book are you reading?
Rachael Ray's 30 minute meals cook book.
11)Cite a song lyric that means something to you.
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where we have been, lucky to be coming home again.
12)Tell me a joke
What were Tarzan's last words? Who greased the vvvviiiiinnnnneeeee????
13)Who should play James Bond?
How about someone from another ethnicity... I know Gurbaksh Chahal

14)Write a Haiku Poem (3 lines, 5-7-5 syllables)
Green fades to Yellow
Leaves on the trees are turning
It's only July!!
15)What's the oldest thing you own?
I have a few doily's my grandmother made.

"The world's a playground, after sometime everyone forgets that."

What would happen if we started saying yes to every opportunity that came our way. (within reason of course) After watching this movie I have often thought that. How would our lives change if we started saying yes to new experiences? Just food for thought....

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Heart of Marriage is Memories - Bill Cosby

July 10,2009 our 10 year wedding anniversary. I can be fairly nostalgic when it comes to momentous occasions in my life. I always look back and ask myself what I was doing at this exact time on that specific date. In keeping with that tradition I looked back on the July 10th, 1999 and here are my memories.
I remember waking up, smiling, knowing that today was my wedding day. I then recalled what had happened the night before when my ladies informed me that we were having a murder mystery party. I was told to dress as my character for the mystery party which was a loose gal with lots of makeup and a short skirt. I complied, a little nervous wondering why I was the only one getting into character, being assured they would all change once we arrived at my friends I went along. I should have known better, my closest gal pals then took me to Earl's ( a hip bar) they taped a sign to my back announcing I was a bride to be and paraded me around the bar. (Ah.. good memories)
I remember being at the hair dressers and holding back the tears as she turned me around to see my reflection in the mirror, after that moment passed one of horror replaced it as I realized I had worn a tighter, pull over your head t-shirt. Thank goodness for my wonderful maid of honor who contorted that shirt every which way to fit over my fancy do'... thanks Tanya!
Upon arriving at the church my soon to be mother-in law informed me that the ring bearer's tux didn't fit ( leave it to my hubby not to have all his guys try things on a day before the wedding-PUNCH) So as we waited for the Best man to race back to the church with a proper tux for the ring bearer all I could focus on was seeing my man-Jay.
When those doors swung open and we finally made eye contact I saw a look come across his face that I hadn't seen before, and since that time have only seen 3 times after. It was a look of deep emotion, appreciation and LOVE. It is the same look I've seen at the birth of our children. It's a look I will never forget.
After exchanging vows, promising to love each other through the good and bad. We were finally man and wife.
So these are my memories of this day, our special day. These are the thoughts I reflect on when our Anniversary comes along every year. These are the memories I will carry and reflect upon on all our years to come.

I dedicate this song to my loving husband on our 10 year Anniversary:

Thursday, July 09, 2009

I borrowed this idea from a fellow blog.

The view from where I sit: The baby is laying on the couch looking at the throw pillow and passing gas. Yup, life with a baby. She is 3 months now, and so beautiful, she has brought so much love and joy into our house. Leaning against the wall is my new, bright red Kenmore vacuum reminding me I have some cleaning to do, I'll just glance the other way for now.

Outside my window are dark grey clouds and branches swaying in the wind. Our city is SO windy it really makes summertime unpleasant. People are getting home from work now, I wish my husband were home already he's always later then he says he will be...

I am thinking about how I wish the baby would stop fussing and go to sleep already. I should get supper underway, I shouldn't have had a few nacho chips as I am trying to eat better. I am thinking about the fact that I probably won't get this post done until tonight when the house is quiet.

I am thankful for my health, family, provision and second chances.

We are learning about how we ALL must contribute to make the house run. The boys are learning to unload the dishwasher, freshen up the bathroom, take care of a little sister and to do it with a happy heart. I am still learning that one some days.

I am creating a flower garden. We have been landscaping our yard, still a long way to go, but the journey has been fun.

I am reading nothing at the moment, but I would like to start a chapter book with the kids again this summer. Last summer we read Charlotte's Web and The Wizard of Oz, we had a great time so we will be heading to the library soon.

I am hoping we can figure out where we want to live and how to make it happen.

I am hearing SILENCE!!! SSSsshhhhh the baby FINALLY settled herself down!

Around the house, that is a whole other story. I really want to be that woman who has her house organized and tidy. HELP ME GET THERE!!!!

One of my favorite things is Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino's. I would have one, or more, daily if they weren't like 1000 calories each...

A few plans for the rest of the week are boating and a BBQ on Saturday, cleaning the house, cutting the grass, making it to the gym.... same old, same old.

A picture I am sharing:

My 3 month old daughter and I... I love her so much!
