Thursday, February 09, 2006

Like A Dog Returning To It's VOMIT!!

Dysfunctional (dis-fungk'shen-al) Deterioration of the natural action.

Last night we had drama! Without fail we are privy to the F-bomb being dropped with every other word, and funny yet abusive name calling. No I am no talking about a Wil Smith movie, these culprits share a wall with us. I am talking about our neighbor's.
This is a once a week occurrence, usually a Friday night, that the drama ensues. Usually my hubby and I rush to place our ears against the walls to see what outrageous things they will say to one another. But last night things became physical.
So being the concerned and completely ticked off neighbor's that we are we called the police. They took their sweet time getting here, of course. Five minutes later they were gone, and it's been silent since.

These two are like a bunch of caged animals. They say the most hurtful, outrageous thing to one another. I will quote a few just for your entertainment.
" I hope you have a slow and painful death."
" Your hair is greasy and you never shower."
" You're nothing to me you F*&!%# no good son of a B*#@*!"
" You're fat and lazy, you abuse your kids."
Then the old hound dog (that's what we call him) leaves, only to return within an hour for round two!! Like a dog returning to it's vomit. It keeps life interesting....Sometimes.


flutterby said...

Hey... you're going to give dogs a bad name!!

That's so sad. Especially how he'll come back just to continue the drama. Those poor kids.

Aren't shared walls just groovy? Praying for the day you'll have the house you desire!

JodyJ said...

Thanks SPastic!! I am praying for that day myself.

WAUGDAI said...

Too Funny Jody. I love neighbour stories... we have just found out quite abruptly that our upstairs neighbours enjoy Pot a great amount. unfortunately, suffering from a second high that is so thick in our place you could cut it with a knife.. isn't so fun. muhahaha. Guess I can't say I've never done drugs now.. haha
