Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My Greek Tragedy :(

Today started out as any normal, hectic pre-school day does. I awoke to the sounds of my youngest son singing 'Song of Moses' at 7am. I dressed the children, nagged my husband to get out of bed and off we were.
After dropping Noah off at pre-school, we ran some errands and then dropped hubby at University. Trying to kill some time I thought I would treat the youngest to a muffin from Tim Horton's. As I was pulling a U-turn to access Tim's lo and behold I saw the dreaded Red and Blue flashing at me. AUGH!!! So you guessed it I landed a HUGE ticket for an innocent U-turn.
Tell me something, do you think a move like that warrants a $200+ ticket. I couldn't believe my ears when she told me the amount?!?!? Ever heard of a warning toots? I am debating going to court to appeal. I have a clean record, excellent actually. Don't you think I deserve a warning... I am so mad. I am also WORRIED about telling the Mister. He won't be happy! So far this day sucks.

1 comment:

flutterby said...

I was going to try and make some witty link-in with the whole "Greek Tragedy" title, but the only character that comes to mind is Oedipus, and the allegory just isn't quite working...

Man, Jody, those are some tough nuts. I'm sorry that your morning has been so crappy. Your hubby will probably have some good advice about the court idea, but my vote is to try. I don't think that trying can make it any worse than it is, now.

Hey, on the kinda cool side, you can now say that you're a criminal. Ooooh. Danger.

Smilin' atcha!
