We moved to our current location almost 2 years ago. This place was never really a choice for us but more of an obligation that we had to fulfill. We never purposed for it to be more then 2 years and I suppose the moment we stepped foot here I started the countdown to when we'd leave. Not smart.
It's been in the last few months that my husband and I have started to reflect on our present situation and realized we really dropped the ball here. We have a bunch of excuses as to why we let our kids spend ungodly amounts of time playing video games and watching TV-something we NEVER condoned before. We have tons of excuses as to why our health and well being have gotten out of control, we have excuses for everything and in the end we are left with the results of our excuses and it stinks.
I am happy to say my husband is a man of action and he talked me straight and continues to talk to me, to shake me out of the lull I find myself in. He has high goals for our family, for our relationship as man and wife, and for his kids. He is inspiring me to find that quest for excellence once again. Some days it's overwhelming because every area of our lives and family life needs an overhaul, and that's ok.... baby steps,right?
So this week I have set strict limits on TV and video games, we also have been turning off the TV, and I have noticed my children get along better when they aren't glued to it. There are other things we are doing, some I may blog about later once a final decision has been made. I don't want to be all manic about this, I don't want this to be the new 'thing' we are doing.....
We want the best for our family, especially our children, so we press on because they ARE worth it!!
yes...they are worth it!
Daily life can be a struggle and sometimes it IS easier to just turn on the TV when you are in desperate need of respite. Don't beat yourself up about it, Jody, because trust me....we've ALL been there. Esp. the years with a newborn/toddler.
I'm glad your husband is backing you up and willing to put family first. Together, you can do it! And again, I just love that little guy with the glasses :)
OH gosh, I hear you loud and clear! How about you just take this post and copy it over to my blog, OK??
Hugs. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.
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