It's sad but true. I was able to kick the habit once, a few summers ago. I went through the with drawls of headaches, grumpiness and fatigue. After a few days I was free, and to be honest the smell of coffee turned me off big time. One major benefit was that I was loosing weight, probably due to the lack of coffee cream running through my cream coated arteries.
Knowing all these benefits why oh why did I fall off the wagon? It started slowly, once the colder weather started the idea of something warm and sweet slowly started to become appealing. It only took a couple of days and I was hooked and have been for a few years now.
I woke up this morning with a killer headache, I popped 3 advil and it took the edge off, but it was still lingering. I tried to hold out, tried to resist because I am pregnant and I know coffee isn't the best, but I caved. The lingering headache had me running to the coffee maker like a drug addict needs a hit. ( okay I know it isn't that bad, I am just trying to paint a picture) Anyhow my body is feeling in sync, my headache is gone and my stomach is full of coffee and cream.
This is why I shall never have children (and the lack of a husband)! How could I ever give up coke? or Chai? They run through me as fluent as my own blood!
You can do it though, You can totally do it!
Waugdai- never say never my friend. Your prince charming may want a 'quiver full'-keep your options open :O)
Are you still addicted to coke?? Is it still the first in the morning thing too?
Have you tried mixing half decaf with half regular, and then after a while only drinking a half cup?
I'm maybe the wrong person to talk to as for the first time in my life, I seem to be developing a coffee habit. Which... I've noticed means I am bleaching my teeth more often. You think that would stop me, hey??
Oh well, I suppose there are worse things to be addicted to. Like say, blogging or facebook or youtube. :D
Flutterby- Touche'. I may need to try to whole decaf/half caf thing, I'm just hoping I don't get the shakes from it :O)
Oh... no "touche" here... I was poking fun at my own Other Addictions. The fact that you may share in them only shows you to be a person of exceptional taste and quality!
Yes, momma J, I shouldn't say never - but the likelyhood of me even getting married before I hit menopause is starting to look a little bleak. No, no more coke in the a.m. I started drinking tea now... I go through phases with my coke addiction -putting it down and picking it up. blah blah blah... anyways...
Waugdai- you know people who read this may think you actually have a problem with coke. Let's clarify, it's coke a cola people.
I'm totally addicted to lattes. I'm glad my days of being pregnant are long gone.....
Queenie has a condition whose short name is Familial Tremors. Basically her hands shake slightly almost all of the time and caffienne takes it from what we call a low-idle up to full throttle so several years ago we transitioned from full-caffienne to decaf. It's made a world of difference in her hands, my blood pressure, and our over irritability. Try it, decaf tastes like the rela thing these days :-)
Cocotte- I wish I was sophisticated enough to enjoy latte's. All my girlfriends order them when we are out, I opt for the 7-11 coffee - how embarassing. :O)
Xavier- I think it must be a sign because you are the second person to recommed decaf. My question is will it ward off that pounding headache??
Oh, it's not that sophisticated - it's just my way of trying to get some calcium without drinking milk straight up. And I've had flavored coffees from the BP station that are unbelievably good, so maybe I need to try that 7-11 stuff too.
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