My husband has just opened a pharmacy in the city we live in. Due to the fact that this "City" - and I use the word LOOSELY, it's more of a village with a Walmart attached - is out of the way and not close to anything remotely appealing we are having a heck of a time finding pharmacists to want to move here.
We have been relying on relief pharmacists from surrounding towns, and sometimes provinces away to come work for short bouts of time. The one we had in this week was a real character- and I mean that is a strange/mentally unbalanced way. He had problems with having to ring customers with prescriptions through the till, thought it was beneath him. He had countless confrontations with front store staff, and when questioned it was always someone else's fault.
One morning he called us from the hotel he was at, cursing a blue streak saying he just about knocked the F*#@% manager's head off because they accused him of inviting staff into the hot tub.
Well due to so many confrontations, and corrections my husband finally told him it wasn't working and he had to go. We expected and scene and weren't disappointed.
This morning he called my husband to apologise for his actions stating that his 13 year old daughter has been missing since the day before he started working for us, and that he normally isn't this CRAZY~~~
Call me cynical, but I don't buy it. I am a parent, if my daughter was missing I would be glued my family awaiting her return.
So do you think I am cynical or is it maybe women's intuition??? I don't know, my husband is inclined to think it's true, but honestly what parent would take off for work in another province. He is a well to do guy, I don't think they are lacking for money. In my opinion he is trying to make excuses and put the blame somewhere else. Always the victim it seems.
While I find it impossible to surmise the extent of family dysfunction nowadays and for that reason will not comment on the wing-nut your hubby had to fire...
I *will* say that your rant entertained me thoroughly. You're my favorite lil firecracker!
Chin up and tell J to be glad it wasn't HIM invited into the hot tub. :D
I think an invitation like that may have pushed him over the edge. I believe neither him nor I would be held accountable for our actions at that point. It would have made for a good laugh though. I guess even seeing Jay squirm at the prospect would have relieved some of my tension. ;O)
WOW... is all I'm gonna say. Or not.. I don't think you're cynical at all. It's hard to find good help now adays. Too bad I wasn't a pharmacist... I'd come work for you. ;-) Good luck on your new prospect though! Kudos to you both!
Waugdai- nice to hear from you again. We could really use someone with your work ethic, tell you what, go to school for 4 years, get your degree and come work for us, the signing bonus is over 30k... let that be an incentive for you :O)
I find that story fishy too....WHO would even attempt to go to work when their underage daughter is missing? Like, wouldn't you be on the phone with the cops 24/7??
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