Friday, April 25, 2008

Passover 2008

'So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.' Exodus 12:14

We were all given different tasks to complete to facilitate our passover coming together. My mom prepared some of the traditional elements such as the charoset, the wine, and the lamb shank. My sister-in law hosted all of us at her house and prepared the main meal. I was responsible for writting the Haggadah ( a text read during the passover seder telling the story of the Exodus) and preparing a craft for the kids.
In having to write this Haggadah I believe I finally, after 4 years of celebrating Passover, understood what I was celebrating and why. It was a meaningful time with family, a time of personal reflection and new hope.
Here are a few pictures of our Passover!

Little J and I painting his goblet

How all the kids goblets turned out-beautiful.

Our Passover table

My sister-in law saying the blessing

My sweet niece

Hand washing ceremony

My hubby reading the Exodus story to the kids


WAUGDAI said...

Wait.. if your sister-in-law hosted it.. that would've meant you were here in Regina.. no? Hmmm.. funny thing: I'm sure my phones are working. Better call Sasktel.

JodyJ said...

Hardy har-har... it was a very quick overnight visit my friend, relax.

WAUGDAI said...

ya ya.... hmmm.

flutterby said...

Cool pics, Jody! I didn't even notice you taking them. I like the one of the goblets. They really did turn out so nice!
