The windows down, no kids chattering in the backseat, driving at a speed a little above the legal limit, hopefully some scenery and a great song on the radio. Whenever I hear a song deemed road trip worthy I start to get the itch for the open road with some friends.
I used to have great road trips. Countless trips to Alberta, Eston, Swift Current and Manitoba. So many memories, Jay and I once got caught making out in his car, I don't know what made the passerby take notice, maybe the fact the windows were seamed up. I believe on that specific trip I almost killed us by falling asleep at the wheel, driving down a swift bank and almost crashing a power box. YIKES!
Trips to Alberta were the best, I went with so many friends, we listened to Caedmon's Call, sang ourselves hoarse and loved every minute of it. For some reason folk music truly suites the mountain scenery and for those who don't think folk music suites anything you will have to trust me.
My trips to Manitoba were always eventful mostly due to the person I drove up with. His name was Don and he was a card. One time we were heading back to Saskatchewan in the late night/early morning with little gas left in our tank. We pulled up into a farmer's yard hoping to get gas, Don went and knocked at the door, no answer so we decided to leave. As Don was backing out he hit a bunch of rain barrels, the farmer flew out of his house with a shotgun, not a good scene.
Ah the memories. Road trips are a right of passage, there is nothing like the open road and some good tunes. Here are a couple that I've deemed road trip worthy, hope you enjoy!
If these scenes don't inspire you to a road trip then your hopeless.
Okay maybe that one didn't end so well, but it still looked fun for a while.
Loved the Tommy Boy clip! :)
Rockies in sight, repeat on the cd, laughing till almost crying, voices so hoarse I'm surprised we didn't crack the windows! Ahhh... good memories Jody. Thanks for revisiting that for me! Any chance of a get-a-way weekend? Just ring - I'll pick you up in my new wheels!
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