I've got my coffee right beside me, Samara is content and here I sit not really knowing where to even start. It has been so long since I've written anything, I have all the same excuses that everyone uses when they neglect something. Life is busy, stressful, kids things and just plain laziness.
Because it has been such long time I will just catch you up on what has happened.
- we moved at the end of August back to the same area we were in before.
- we opened a pharmacy
- Grandmother passed away from cancer
- kids started a new school
- we got a 'forever' puppy only to find out after 3 weeks of bonding that my oldest son appears to be allergic to dogs.
Well that pretty much catches you up on what's been going on with us. I am going to try this blogging thing again because I really enjoy writing it and I love hearing back from you all.