Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 in Review

We decided to just have a night in with the kids, wow no different then any other night. My husband has to be at work for 8am the next day so we played some Wii, bathed our rug rats and tried to have everyone in bed so we could enjoy our Japanese food and a movie. All in all it was a relaxing night, and relaxing is a great way to bring in the new year.
As we were sitting talking we started to reflect on 2008. Here are our reflections:
During this past year we went from being a low income, student family living in a low income housing unit to finally owning a home, being business owners and finally having enough money to breathe.
We went from being a family of four, to a family of four plus one on the way. We've moved away from family and friends and now live in a 'city' (I use the term generously) where we don't really know anybody.
We enrolled our son in public school, we were just about sued by another pharmacy, had extended family issues, found another home for our dog, replaced a furnace, lost control of my bladder and as I am looking down at my exposed belly ( I am watching the baby kicking) I am noticing new wonderful (sarcastic) stretch marks. It's a wonder I am not on some prescription medication.
My hope for 2009? Simple, simplicity.

A little bit of this, a little bit of that...

This week I finally did something very grown up, I purchased a bedroom set. In all my 10 years of marriage I have never had a bedroom set. I tried to buy one with classic lines so in the next 10 years it won't look too dated. So along with my new set, coming today YAY!, we are deciding on paint colors and installing a closet organizer. *when did I become an adult?*
This week I gave up our dog. Do I have regrets? Probably everyday I do. I think to myself, maybe if we tried harder and just stuck it out... oh well I have to keep telling myself she is happier. I received a report from her new owner yesterday. She is living on an acreage, she is playing lots outside and inside with their little puppy, I need to be happy for her and I am. I am just sad for us. One day we will go on a puppy journey again, this time for keeps.
This week I have been dropping subtle, okay maybe not so subtle, hints that I need an upgrade on my wedding ring. We affectionately refer to it as my 'starter'ring. Please don't get me wrong, I love my ring and it holds great memories and sentiment for me, but I am thinking a bigger diamond wouldn't hurt. I have my eye on a white gold solitaire that turns my knees to mush and turns my hubby's stomach because it may be a 'little'pricey, but hey we celebrate our 10 years together this summer!!
This week I need to get groceries. We are living off bread and soup, sad. I just dread going grocery shopping with my two boys. In the town where I live I have to hit a few places to get what we need and dragging two rammy little guys through a shopping center isn't my idea of a pleasant time. It starts out alright, then the pushing and shoving starts, I start threatening and giving the odd, so you can't see, pinch to tell them to smarten up. They start swinging and crawling on anything in sight. Just writing about it has made up my mind I will NOT do that with them today.
And finally this week I reconnected with an old friend. We haven't talked on the phone for 10+ years. She is from my town, grew up here, so when she heard I lived here now she called me and we had a great talk. It surprises how much you can actually miss someone and not know it. We made plans to get together the next time she's in town. Really nice to talk to her again.
So that is my week. Seems like a roller coaster and chaotic, sometimes that's how our weeks go. I think next week I will chill a bit.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I've been tagged

Well this isn't necessarily the 4th photo from my 4th folder, that one was really hazy, so I chose one close to it.
Summer '08 the first summer in our house. This is the one half of my backyard that actually has grass. Our kids had been so bored we purchased them this swingset to help keep them out of my hair a bit. Funny that didn't seem to work :O)

Monday, December 29, 2008


This is something I have been wanting for a long time, or so I thought. I know I have complained, probably shed a few tears of frustration over it, and yet now I am shedding tears because I miss her.
Two days ago a very nice man and his wife drove to our little neck of the woods and left with our dog Willow.
When it truly came down to making this decision we waivered quite a bit. This man was interested a few weeks ago and just as I was about to give him the go ahead my dear husband said he just couldn't do it. He promised me we would find a way to make it work, he was going to prepare our enviornment for our dog so we could enjoy her more and I would have less maintanence with her.
Wouldn't you know after resigning myself to this and looking forward to the said changes things at work for my husband have gone crazy. He will be working more and it doesn't look like it will be letting up anytime soon. So our dilema is do we keep our German Shepherd, a poor girl who isn't getting excercised or stimulated much just so we won't miss her? Do we give her to a man who won't stop emailing about her even after we told him no a earlier. I guess the decision finally came when he emailed again and told us he purchased a German Shepherd pup from the breeder our dog was from and that Willow would have an acreage and a friend to play with all the time.
Needless to say I miss her, I didn't think I would but I do. I keep checking my email for pictures and updates of her. It's been a sad few days around here.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Favorite Things, Oprah eat your heart out!

My dear Flutter posted her favorite things, here is a list of mine.

1) I have found these cleaners to be the bomb!! I have tried other 'green'products and was sorely disappointed, but these clean, there is actual suds when doing dishes. The bathroom all purpose cleaner made my tub sing for joy and I didn't loose a layer of fine nose tissue in the process. Refreshing and mild. Snaps to you Clorox!

When my husband called me from work stating he was picking up a Wii I was a little hesitant. Another gaming system in our house, something ELSE for our kids to fight about. It has turned out to be a wonderful gaming system. It's very interactive and we have a ton of fun playing together as a family. Wii sports is great, it forces you to get up and move. The day after my boxing match on Wii I was stiff and sore, now that normally isn't a good thing, but it was the most exercise I have had in a while. Everything in moderation, right? Snaps to Nintendo, great system!

No this isn't for the bedroom, it's not a torture device, at least not for humans. The choke collar has been a lifesaver, not for me but for my willful, crazy dog. Seeing that the weather is close to -50 degrees that animal is in the house all the time. So you can imagine a German shepherd who is still a puppy, all be it a LARGE puppy, who has energy to boot and with no exercise, she's a disaster. The instant I put this on her big neck she turns into a submissive dog again. So snaps to whomever invented this scary, but wonderful device, without it she may have ended up at the pound.

4) WARNING- this is not for the faint of heart. This sauce with kick you in the stomach and laugh. It brings a unique burning sensation to your mouth and the acid reflux may have you reaching for the Tums. Why would I recommend this, well it has a mouthwatering, vinegary, gingery taste that has me reaching for more. I crave this sauce and eat it on sandwiches. The few seconds before the burning starts to take over, before your sense clear and your nose is running like crazy, before all that there is a moment of satisfaction. It tastes so good- my mouth is watering even writing about it. So if your brave enough to try, have a bowl of ice cream at your side and jump in, yes it may be painful, actually it will be until you build up a tolerance for it. I guarantee you will feel like you may have been transported to a warm tropical island. No I'm not talking about hell, it's before your mouth is engulfed in flames, it's that few seconds of bliss that make it all worth it. So... snaps to President's Choice for making a great sauce!

I received this sheet set for a gift from my folks. Now I wouldn't recommend these for those hot summer night that have us tossing and turning. These sheets are for those cold -50 degrees night kind of like the ones we are experiencing now, damn winter weather. Anyway don't get me started on our COLD Canada winters, these sheets are warm, soft and even luxurious. Yes I will go so far as to say luxurious. My little boy crawled into bed with us one night and asked if I would take these sheets off my bed so he could have them. Of course I told him to forget it, these are mine my friend. So if you suffer with winter like we do you will enjoy this little bit of comfort.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh how things have changed

"Here Mommy, let me help you with your boots." came the kind words from my 5 year old today. He is quite protective of me, especially now that I am pregnant. He often will tell his father to be nice because I am a pregnant mommy. He will join me in complaining about the mess the dog makes, often stating that Mommy is pregnant and can't do all the cleaning. He is a sweet boy.
I remember being pregnant with my 1st baby. I remember how careful we were about everything. My husband doted on me, would run out for Burger King at the drop of a hat, rub my ever growing tummy with lotion to prevent stretch marks, and would often play classical music for the baby.
The second pregnancy was a stressful time as we were in the middle of a move. I had pregnancy brain and almost burned down our house. The tummy rubs became less, I now had complaints about having to go out at night for a craving run and the time spent talking to baby, I don't know if we even did that.
Now onto the third baby. Again came at a stressful time, husband starting a new career, we didn't even talk about the baby much for the first while. I don't even take the time to rub my belly with lotion, I think I've played music once for the baby, and I don't even think to ask for a craving run. But tonight, that little voice of my son brought tears to my eyes. You know what, I deserve to be pampered a little bit, and you know what else, it felt good to be pampered, even if he's only 5.
Thanks little guy, you really made me feel cherished today.

Monday, December 08, 2008


I was driving the other day, probably to pick up or drop off one of my kids at something. As I turned on the radio a song played that took me back to the year 1998
At that time I was working at a restaurant as a waitress. I had become pretty good friends with alot of the staff, we hung out after work and had great times together.
On this particular day it was my birthday, I was turning 23, and my boyfriend (my lovely hubby now) was across the country at University. My friends being sweet and taking pity told me they were taking me out to dinner.
We arrived to the packed restaurant, took our seats to get ready to order. All at once our waiter appeared with a guitar and proceeded to serenade me. Everyone stopped and stared, I'm not sure what shade of red I actually turned, but my friends thought it was hilarious. Now the song he sang had to be changed a little, see my eyes aren't brown their blue.
When my friend and waiter were planning this little ditty my friend didn't know off hand what color my eyes were so they came up with a plan. The plan was whatever color my eyes were, he would wear that same color of shirt so when the waiter/singer came up he would know what color to substitute. It was a fun night, one I won't soon forget.
What a great memory!

Saturday, December 06, 2008


After reading my fellow blogger's post it inspired me to post a little ditty for your viewing pleasure. This song brings me back to riding in an old Chevelle, windows down, dust in my teeth. My brother and I in the backseat, no seat belts, no air conditioning and this song playing on the radio. My mom trying to harmonize, my dad whistling with a toothpick in between his teeth. We were hot, sweaty and dust covered. What a great memory!! Thanks Cocotte for the inspiration!

Product Review

This here product PROMISES a clean sparkly shine. My poor dishes, especially anything with black plastic, have come out looking like they were dusted in baby powder. I am so disappointed in this product.
I am all for being green, and I am trying to do my part, but let me tell you something friends I need my utensils, plates and cups not to look like there is dried milk all over them.
So just a little FYI- this product does NOT work. I am now off to rerun my dishes through using some harsh, chemical ridden cleaner. Do I feel guilty? A little, but my dishes will be clean. :O)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Kegals, shmegals...?

Let me preface this by saying I would have it no other way right now, I am grateful that I am pregnant and I am TRYING to enjoy the journey. TRYING...
Pregnancy this time around has been anything but easy. Now this could be because I am in my 30's, or the fact that I wasn't in the greatest shape to begin with, or maybe because I didn't do that damn kegals that Oprah and Dr. Oz always say we should. My confession is, (whisper) I have a bladder I can't control.
Ever morning I battle vomitting and wetting myself as I am attempting to brush my teeth. My husband finds this to be hilarious. There I am bent over the sink, legs crossed to prevent an áccident, all the while gagging trying to hold back the vomit. The one phrase I keep muttering to myself as I do this dance every morning is, 'this better be a girl.'
The other day as I was crossing a busy intersection with my husband I felt a cough coming on so I had to stop, cross my legs and cough, in the middle of the street as cars are waiting to drive! Yeah it's a big joke to him, Mr. ' as least I don't wet my pants when I cough' guy. Maybe I should do kegals, but they feel weird, and like I don't have enough to do.
Maybe I'll just invest in some pantyliners, that's what they are for right?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

100 Thoughts!!!

I just realized this is my 100th post! YAY!!! What do I win??
Blogging has been a great outlet for me over the past few years. Before blogging was I used to keep journals to record my thoughts, adventures and special moments. Seeing how the pen and paper has become obsolete, and because I am soooo with it technology wise (NOT) I thought blogging would be a great alternative.
So cheers to the first 100 posts, here's to the friends who care enough to tune in, it's been a great ride so far.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Just Because

Just because we were discussing it this past weekend, and just because Flutter posted it on her blog as being one of her favorites. Here are my pics, just for you, just because...

The Door:


No Air

