Friday, April 25, 2008

Passover 2008

'So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.' Exodus 12:14

We were all given different tasks to complete to facilitate our passover coming together. My mom prepared some of the traditional elements such as the charoset, the wine, and the lamb shank. My sister-in law hosted all of us at her house and prepared the main meal. I was responsible for writting the Haggadah ( a text read during the passover seder telling the story of the Exodus) and preparing a craft for the kids.
In having to write this Haggadah I believe I finally, after 4 years of celebrating Passover, understood what I was celebrating and why. It was a meaningful time with family, a time of personal reflection and new hope.
Here are a few pictures of our Passover!

Little J and I painting his goblet

How all the kids goblets turned out-beautiful.

Our Passover table

My sister-in law saying the blessing

My sweet niece

Hand washing ceremony

My hubby reading the Exodus story to the kids

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Man's Best Friend.

I am longing for the pitter patter of little feet in my home. No, it's not the little feet you are thinking of. I am longing for the pitter patter of four little feet, a puppy.
My husband and I are going back and forth on the subject as to which type of dog we want. He is wanting a pure German Shepherd and the price tag for them is 'purely' ridiculous. He considers the great Shepherd to be the king of all dogs. The supreme in protection, intelligence and courage. Now I can't disagree on those points, I know that it's what their known for, my problem is I want the really pretty dog. My husband says the dog I want is like the ultimate blond chick, hair all wavy, smile on her face at all times. The popular dog. I know I am not being practical, I know this dog would probably lick an intruder as he robbed us. Even as I am writing this I know it sounds ridiculous, but whenever I see my beautiful Golden Retriever I WANT it.(stamping foot)
Oh well the debate will continue, I'm sure I'll lose this one and it's probably for the best.

I guess the shepherd is pretty cute too. :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

“We cannot create observers by saying "observe," but by giving them the power and the means for this observation and these means are procured through education of the senses” Maria Montessori~

We are saying good-bye to many things due to our move, one of which is Allegro Montessori School. It has been a true learning experience for our family, and we take many precious memories with us.

Our youngest attended for a short time so I feel like I can't comment much on his experience. I do know he enjoyed the teachers, made friends, and became a little more independent.

My oldest attended for almost 3 years and has matured in his academics way beyond his years. He has developed a love for geography, other cultures, math and french just to name a few. The curriculum has been so rich and he has been fulfilled in so many ways.

Some days I don't know who is more sad about leaving them or me. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I was going to write about how lousy the weather is, yet it seems to be all we, or I, am talking about so I will remain silent on the subject. Sometimes talking doesn't help but music and pictures do so....... let's close the drapes, tell the kids to take it upstairs, and let's visualize. Here is some fab summer music video's. Go ahead grab a refreshment , an alcoholic beverage is my choice, and enjoy your few minutes of paradise!


Sunday, April 20, 2008


"Once you begin to acknowledge random acts of kindness - both the ones you have received and the ones you have given - you can no longer believe that what you do does not matter."
- Dawna Markova

At the end of this particular night I was left deflated, exhausted and a little guilt ridden at how the day had gone with my kids. My oldest son came down from his room with a surprise for me hidden behind his back. Flowers! These flowers were the best flowers any mom could get. My little boy thought up the idea by himself, designed the flowers with his two hands and hand delivered them to me with a sheepish smile on his face.
Sometimes God really knows what you need, He knows how to melt the tension, frustration and anger. He knows what will get to you and this time it came from the thoughtfulness of my 6 year old.

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Allegro Montessori Sock Hop

Strobe lights flashing, disco ball turning, ABBA's YMCA booming over the speakers and there I am with my little 4 year old shaking it! My oldest was doing what all the 'older, cooler' kids were doing, beating each other senseless with balloons and running around.
At first I sat with the other moms and we chatted and said how cute it was seeing the parents dancing with their kids. A few minutes later little J came up to me and said he wanted to dance, so I told him to go ahead and dance. "No!", he said, "I want us to dance". My friend started laughing and said, go on. Little J and I found a spot right by the huge, loud speakers and started to dance. He was having a great time and within a few minutes I was too. I was a little conservative at first, not wanting to pull all my moves out at once, but when ABBA came on my drunk girl came out. The funny thing was most of the parents who weren't dancing came on the floor once YMCA started playing. The D.J then played some great dance music afterward, I was really tempted to do my running man move, but the oh so loving words of my husband stopped me. " You are so uncool...don't ever do that in public." Whatever, so I refrained.
Here are some pics of our Sock Hop


My dear Hubby sent me this song a few months ago and just recently downloaded it onto my ipod for me. I can't get this song out of my head. I sing it out loud and I think I sound pretty damn good. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Lets have an Ellen moment

"So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter." - Gordon William Allport

Monday, April 07, 2008


The windows down, no kids chattering in the backseat, driving at a speed a little above the legal limit, hopefully some scenery and a great song on the radio. Whenever I hear a song deemed road trip worthy I start to get the itch for the open road with some friends.
I used to have great road trips. Countless trips to Alberta, Eston, Swift Current and Manitoba. So many memories, Jay and I once got caught making out in his car, I don't know what made the passerby take notice, maybe the fact the windows were seamed up. I believe on that specific trip I almost killed us by falling asleep at the wheel, driving down a swift bank and almost crashing a power box. YIKES!
Trips to Alberta were the best, I went with so many friends, we listened to Caedmon's Call, sang ourselves hoarse and loved every minute of it. For some reason folk music truly suites the mountain scenery and for those who don't think folk music suites anything you will have to trust me.
My trips to Manitoba were always eventful mostly due to the person I drove up with. His name was Don and he was a card. One time we were heading back to Saskatchewan in the late night/early morning with little gas left in our tank. We pulled up into a farmer's yard hoping to get gas, Don went and knocked at the door, no answer so we decided to leave. As Don was backing out he hit a bunch of rain barrels, the farmer flew out of his house with a shotgun, not a good scene.
Ah the memories. Road trips are a right of passage, there is nothing like the open road and some good tunes. Here are a couple that I've deemed road trip worthy, hope you enjoy!

If these scenes don't inspire you to a road trip then your hopeless.

Okay maybe that one didn't end so well, but it still looked fun for a while.

Thursday, April 03, 2008
