Sunday, March 30, 2008

She's funny, she dances and she's a lesbian... it's Ellen and I love her show. I never really watched her before until one day I was channel surfing and I cam across this crazy white lady dancing to LOW, I was hooked. This is one of the only shows that had me laughing out loud and wanting to dance.
The audience is full of 30 year olds and beyond and everyone is having a great time. I am going to post a few clips of the episodes that I think are post worthy. So if you want a great laugh or some motivation to get up and shake that silly A*s check her out.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Making Change

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Darwin~

Cardboard boxes are lining the perimeter of my living room. My love seat is now where my kitchen table used to reside and my butt is too old to be sitting on a Dora the Explorer seat in order to watch the tube.
It seems everyone feels so out of whack when there is any type of disorder about the house. I have a husband who is short tempered, my oldest is feeling nervous which translates him into being very emotional, my youngest is oblivious and I am left trying to manage them all. I am handling things alright, except for the occasional row with the hubby which is becoming more the norm for the time being. Oh well, this too shall pass.
I used to enjoy change when it was just me. The thought of a new adventure, new people with a new landscape was exciting, how things have changed. Becoming a wife and a mother makes you realize the importance of stability, and routine. In those early months of having a newborn you certainly appreciate the importance of getting the baby on a routine as quickly as possible. In doing this it lets you know where you stand with a little human who can't communicate with you in any way that's understandable. So I've come to love the expected, I stroke it like it's my pet and do my darnedest to maintain it. Having said all this and looking like a complete control freak who comes unglued with the slightest amount of change, I am excited.. no really I am. Just as labour is ah... laborious and messy the outcome certainly makes it worth it. I am looking forward to birthing a new home for us even if it means tearing a bit. (sorry had to throw in, it went with the whole birthing theme, all you mommies can uncross your legs now)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Strong Genes

I remember being a little girl in my parents' hometown. Wherever my brother or I went most people would come up to us and say, "Oh, you're Davey and Diane's kids!" Now this was a fairly small town where everybody was "in each other's business" and almost all were related somehow. When I look at pictures of my folks as teenagers and young adults I can see similarities between them and my brother and I.
The other day my parents had my two boys at Walmart in the Pharmacy section. A student Pharmacist, who my parents and children had never met prior, came up to my folks and asked if the kids were "J's kids". (FYI- my hubby is a student in pharmacy with this person.) When Mom and Dad told us what had happened I couldn't believe it.... are their genes that strong???? Must be. Hopefully one day some of MY genes might surface in them!
Years ago in Calgary I had to take my oldest son to the doctor. She asked me if I was his mommy, and I said yes. She then went on to point out how different we were in looks.... thanx a lot lady! I decided from that point on to refer to myself as the white nanny. It seems to make more sense to people. :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Is anyone else feeling the fever??

Spring fever has officially hit our house. I have been hanging freshly washed blankets outside to get that wonderful spring smell, which I have achieved. :) The kids have been spending hours outside playing which has given me some sanity back. My hubby has been outside grilling, making fires in the fire pit, getting the lawn chairs out( no we have no lawn showing yet). I love Spring! Yesturday was 4 degrees, we all sat outside, Jay and I drinking coffee, looking at home decorating books. The fire crackled and smelled so good, it reminded me of camping so we discussed possibley getting a camper. Spring just gets you dreaming!

Making snow forts

Making Fire, or trying :)

Friday, March 07, 2008

Things that make you go Hmmmm....

I remember growing up beside a a young East Indian family. This family had all sorts of relatives who lived with them. I became friends with the two oldest daughters, Hosheila and Pretti. We played together all the time, mostly in their basement with a big cardboard box. We would line it with blankets and one of us would hop in while the other two would flip the box this way and that. It was a great time and we all took turns getting a 'ride.'
We spent a lot of time together, I especially enjoyed eating with them. Obviously I had never been exposed to this kid of rich, spicy, savory food. It looked different then my kind of food, definitely smelled different and that's why I think I liked it so much. I would always stay as long as I could at their house, hoping to be invited for supper, which I always was. If I ever couldn't stay they would send me home with a little. I remember my family always saying what are you eating now?? I really developed a palate for this exotic food.

Skip ahead 25 years, I am married to a West Indian man, I can out do his family, and extended family, with my tolerance for the hot and spicy. When I look back on my early years, spending all my time at Horsheila and Pretti's house I wonder if it maybe was a little foreshadow of my future.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I have been going to a mom's group once a week that I feel in some ways has been my saving grace. I look forward to our meeting throughout the whole week. It's an excuse to once a week get dressed up, if we so choose, our kids are well taken care of by some lovely people and we are served a wonderful breakfast. As we come together around our table we have all catch up on our week, we laugh, sometimes cry, but most of all we relax.
I am challenged by the many speakers that come. They talk on so many topics, but this past week was really inspiring. Her name is Marilynn and she has travelled the globe as a missionary. She related some very touching, funny stories to us, all with the theme of extravgant giving.
It's so easy, with our lives being so busy, to forget how to be generous. To be conscious of others needs, the world's needs. Keeping up with the Jones', having your house be a masterpiece, our wardrobes filled with the latest fashions. I'm guilty.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Little FYI

Did you know Cotton Ginny clothing is 80% organic cotton in most of their clothes?? Now this is not a store I have usually frequented, not admittedly anyway. I went in their once for the boxing day sale and purchased a pair of super comfortable pants. I only went in because of the huge sale banners.
I used to shop at Cotton Ginny when I was about 14 years old, back then it was the thin cotton pants, or the hammer time pants. The sweatshirts were oversized with a giant Cotton Ginny logo on it. I actually think I worked at the store for seasonal relief at one point. Anyway back to the point, the clothes were hidiousley out of date, shapeless and very uncool. But that may have been stinkin thinkin. My mom-in-law sent me a bunch of clothes from Cotton Ginny and you know what....? I really like them. They are perfect active wear, they fit wonderfully, they look nice and the quality is really good. But what put me over the edge is that they are 80% organic cotton. SO ladies next time you turn your nose up at the Cotton Ginny in your mall take a chance, cover your face so no one will recognize you, and go in.. it may surprise you. This is a pic of me in my new, neon green??, hoodie. Okay I may not be thrilled with the color, but let me reassure you, it's great quality and feels soooo good on. P.S.. no comments on the messy house in the background all you OCDer's out there.
