Friday, April 28, 2006


Yesterday we took our boys to get their immunization shots. My oldest was up to speed and only needed one, but my little one had to have three. Poor kid. I have really debated whether immunization is justified, I have only really ever read all the conspiracy theories online . But my husband is completely for immunization and has talked with me in great detail why it's important and the responsible thing to do. One reason that made me want to do this also is that I heard on the news the other night that MUMPS has broken out in middle America. I wonder if that's because some won't immunize?
I know that there are stories about kids actually breaking out in the disease upon getting immunized, but those are few and far between. I wish we could see the other side of the coin, that being what immunization has prevented in a life of a child.
To me the risk of a 1 % reaction versus a terrible disease like mumps, meningitis and so on being inflicted onto your kids is well worth it.
Anyway they both did well, the younger brother better the the older brother. So vaccinate! :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

NEWS FLASH: I don't want to see your naked body!

Upon arriving at Ladies California Fitness I headed to the change room. As I was rounding the corner to my locker I saw it... augh!! She had her back turned to me, naked as the day she was born. To make matters worse she was bent over so every crevice was available for viewing, not that you could help it much.
I quickly turned my back so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Can you believe that, I didn't want HER to feel uncomfortable. I should have sat there starring at her but the thought of ass in my face wasn't all that appealing.
So I am sure the classic guy question to come at me is, "well did she have a good body?" Ummm.... I don't care. Naked doesn't look all that good on anyone. To make matters worse, she started walking around the locker room and then if things could get any grosser, she went into a stall and peed, BUCK NAKED!!! Then came out and started walking around again. BUCK NAKED!
Why is this okay to people??? I am so ticked off, the more I write the more ticked I get. She decides to be naked, to go have a pee, and then walk around some more and we are all supposed to turn our backs, avert our eyes so she won't feel uncomfortable! What is wrong with this.
I wish i was gutsy enough to say, get some clothes on you freak your not the only one in here.
Should I complain to Calfit????

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Passover 2006

Passover was really nice this year. My family celebrated with about 20 other people and it was a joyous occasion. We sat around a big table, drank wine, read our sedar and ate till there was no more room! It's wonderful being around people who have done this for so many years, we are still qutie new at this. I feel every year we glean more and more from participating in God's commanded feasts. As I watched the 10 Commandments this year on TV I was reminded of how the blood on their doorposts protected them as Yahweh passed over them, and again in scripture how Yeshua is our passover lamb. His blood was shed so that we might be saved, and this happened during Passover. So we remembered and we celebrated!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Will you 'Passover' on two opinions??

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is quickly approaching. What used to be a time of buying chocolate bunnies and picnic hams is now a time of preparation and reflection.
I found this article from I enjoyed reading it and decided to post it. I would love to hear your thoughts.

No longer is the emphasis of Passover on an animal sacrifice that needs to be offered year after year in the Temple. Now our focus is on what Messiah has accomplished for us. Bread and wine are not required to be offered in the Temple. They are available to each of us at any time in our homes and congregations.
Each Friday night as we enter into the Sabbath, we offer up prayers along with the bread and wine. “Blessed are You, YHWH our God, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.” On a weekly basis we are reminded of Y’shua’s(Jesus) sacrifice for us through the symbology of the Bread of Life and the earth and grave. On an annual basis, we eat only unleavened bread during Passover as we remember the death of Messiah at Passover and His resurrection on Firstfruits. The unleavened bread reminds us of the sinless Lamb that was raised from the dead. “But now is [Messiah] risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” (1 Cor. 15:20)
As YHWH is writing His Torah on our hearts, we find ourselves needing to change our approaches to our worship. How we celebrate the Messiah’s death and resurrection to more fully honor Him is one of the places where we are to “be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2)
If differing opinions are calling you to something other than what the Father’s perfect will is for you, here is a question from the prophet Elijah for you to consider: “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions?” (1 Kings 18:21) The word halt in the above passage is the Hebrew word “pesach” which is the same word translated as “pass over” in Ex. 12:13: “when I see the blood, I will pass over you.” So the question may be asked, “How long will you Passover between two opinions?” Keeping Passover as the season of Messiah’s death and resurrection is the Biblical, Torah-honoring thing to do because it is a feast of the Lord. Keeping Easter as prescribed by the church is conformed to this world’s understanding and misses the mark of YHWH’s purpose. Fertility goddess celebrations involving eggs does not honor the Lamb of God. Keeping Passover just as prescribed by the synagogue and oral tradition of the rabbis (which also includes the egg) is vain without the understanding of Messiah Y’shua. Today we are to heed the voice of Elijah crying in the wilderness. “Prepare the way of the Lord.”
